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vipin (AM)     25 February 2011

Registration for Arya samaj Marriage

I got married in Arya samaj 6 months back without family support. Girls family didnt agree to it and so we havent disclosed about the same till now.  I want to take the girl to South India next month and didnt want to get in trouble as girl family has people in police department.

So if the girl elope with me, what should be done to avoid the cases from the girls family like them filing FIR for kidnapping the girl against me.?

Is marriage certificate from Arya samaj itself the registered certificate for legal purposes? If not, where should I go and my register my marriage? Is there any anticipatory police FIR which I should file before eloping.?

 10 Replies

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     25 February 2011

declear legaly yr marriage.

vipin (AM)     25 February 2011

What do you mean by declaring marriage?

shrikant chede (law officer)     25 February 2011

Ragister marriage before ragistrar of marriage ,for u r safety  u may made application to the concerned sp

Guest (Guest)     25 February 2011

Please do not use the word "elope".  It is insult to you as well as to your legally wedded wife.

Now, Arya Samaj Marriage certificate is a valid marriage certificate for all practical purposes.  But as an abundant caution, I suggest you to register your marriage under "Hindu Marriage Act" on the basis of the Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate.  For this, you have to go to Marriage officer of your area (in most cases, they are SDMs) and fill up the forms and formalities.l  On the next day, you will be given marriage certificate.  If you have the certificate, then it will save you from police problem, if there is any. 

If it is possible, reveal the fact of your marriage to the families, so that your married life go on smoothly.

Best of luck.  

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     25 February 2011

u can appair before highcourt to declair so!

vipin (AM)     25 February 2011

Hi Prabhakar,

Thank you for your reply. 

Since I am moving to South India, which SDM office should I approach to register? The place where I am right now(Delhi) or in South India?




Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     25 February 2011

@ Register under "Special Marriage Act" this Arya Samaj Certificate that got issued post your that marriage.

1 Like

Guest (Guest)     25 February 2011

It is in Delhi's SDM office.  You can choose the SDM office of the area where you live or your wife lives.  The application form, the documents required and other formalities are available on Delhi Government's web-site.

You can also adopt the method suggested by Mr. Tajobsindia.  But here, one month after moving the application before the marriage registrar, the marriage will be registered and certificate issued.  Further, in this process, there is likelihood of intimating the information of registratin of marriage to your parents by the office of marriage registrar.  These particulars are also available on Delhi government's web-site.

Wish you best of luck.

manjit kalra (system eng)     25 February 2011

how can a married girl elope with her husband?

if she is married to u no one can stop her from going to north or south india or even usa. 

registration wont give any added protection, just make sure she wont buckle under family pressure /blakmailing.and keep ur marriage certificate and proofs at a very safe place.

if mia biwi raazi kya karega PAAZI. declare ur marriage and dont let her go to her parents place alone or stay bak there till u have one baby.

all above are legal advise, this is a practical advise.

mayank (manager)     15 November 2012

my sister got married through arya samaaj procedure in may 2012 to guy from her work as she was continuously emotinally blackmailed by him of committing suicide if she does not marry him( without the family conscen)t. when family told that he is not the right guy for her (as he has lots of bad habits and also is not well setlled in his life) she understood and now is ready to go through anullment procedure. she has not met the guy after marriage and not stayed even once at the guys place after marriage . the marriage certificate issued by the arya samaaj does not bear any REGISTRATIN NUMBER of the mandir nor there is any serial number on the certificate,even the address is very vaguely written on the certificate.

1) i doubt the authorisation of this arya samaaj mandir to issue marriage certificate. how to chek it?

2)what could be the grounds for annullment of this marriage?

p.s. both parties hav signed an out of court settlement  on a 100 rupee stamp paper infront of the family members of both the parties a month after the marriage, since then the guy is troubling the girl's  family and blackmailing with the photographs of the marriage for giving girl's family a bad name. The original certificate was submitted back with the purofit of this so called arya samaaj mandir.

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