Hi we were made to sign gift deed without our knowldge by our unlce and they took all the shares from us we went to court but the judge say we ahve registerted the gift deed fyi we nevr went ot registrations office how is this possible they registered thoses papers and power of attorney we got some errors in both the documnets pls help in my questions
1. they registerted both the documents on the same day 1st they register gift deed and then power of attorery but power of attorney only to 3 people where else gift deed to 6 person is this valid?
2.there is no biomectric imprestions neither of figure prints nor photo whihc i belive is compolsory this was done in 2003
.3 the final registertration nodni they say in marati is diffrent from the day it showns in the registration paper it of next day wirrten from hand is this valid can we proof that we never went to registrations and all this si just manage by gov people and registraer offcie
4. can we will be able to convicen the judge of high court and we r victim of this fraud
pls help a/.s.a.p