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Ritesh Kesari (AGM)     22 May 2013

Relating to charge sheet

Hello to All the Esteemed Experts & Co- Members. I want some clarifications regarding Charge Sheet Filed by the Police. The Following are doubts to which I need Clarifications from You People :

(i) Can the Police Edit or Change the Contents of Charge Sheet after it is Filed before the Court Of Law.

(2) Will/Can the Police remove a Person's Name, who is shown as Accused from the Charge Sheet if the Police finds out later in their Investigation that He has not Committed the Crime.

(3) Can the Police Add more Names to the Charge Sheet if it finds more people as Suspects.


Please try to clarify My doubts as soon as possible. If possible quote some Citations & Cases which dealt with the points to which am looking for Clarification.

Shall be ever thankful to U for your kind advise .

Thanks & Regards,

Ritesh K

 3 Replies

Nitish Banka (lawyer)     22 May 2013


Chargesheet is a collection of facts after recording the statements by the police of the witnesses under part II G.D or 161 Cr.P.C and other material available during the course of investigation and finally the police will lay chargesheet and if there will be material available if the police satisfies even the police can file additional chargesheet under section 173(8) Cr.P.C or add the accused under sec 319Cr.P.C only during the trial.


Ritesh Kesari (AGM)     23 May 2013

Thanks a lot Mr. Nitish for your prompt & valid reply. I would happy if U clear the following doubt I have

 (2) Will/Can the Police remove a Person's Name, who is shown as Accused from the Charge Sheet if the Police finds out later in their Investigation that He has not Committed the Crime.


Please reply to the above & if possible also provide me with relevant citations and case numbers for reference.




Thanks & Regards :-)


1. before fileing the charge sheet it is possible to remove the name of the accused. 

2. not possible to remove the name of the accused after fileing the charge sheet,

      at the trial only possible  to remove the name of the accused.

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