If any person releases his part of property through a release deed to younger brother and all the legal heirs of elder brother ( who is releasing his share to younger brother ), has signed upon the release deed that they dont have any objection.
Now the elder brother who released his share, is not alive.
My question is : -
After a few years, If any of the legal heirs of elder brother approaches the court with the matter and the wrong and dishonest excuse, that my father was not mentally sound at the time of making release deed or signed the deed in the pressure of younger brother. then..............what bad can happen with the younger brother or what the court can do against the younger brother.
1.) Can the court stop the sale of the property, for a short time or a long time.
2.) Can the court dismiss the plaint on the basis of the signature of all legal heirs.
3.) Any other question comes in to your mind.