by all means and respect, I would like to support Mr.Natarajan Iyer ..i have benefitted personally from many of his legal posts here.. a advocate is bound to give what is takes on a legal path rather than asking to LET GO..the last thing that i would like to hear from a advocate is to LET GO.. a advocate is not a family elder or a panchayat raj in asking people just LEG GO when a misuse of law or persona liberty has happened and we approach the original post by Mr.Nataraj Iyer and he had beautifully ended it stating do this as a relaxed manner and he highlighted the fact that these can be done without the help of an advocate. as a learned member, i would have screwed the neighour by getting him to the dirtiest legal tangle as possible for what he have done ,especially with a senior citizen,so that he dares to do it with any one, especially senior citizen..but all this process will be done as a relaxed manner.