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Himanshu (Software Engg)     20 September 2012

Relieving letter

I am working for an Indian IT mnc. I submitted my resignation in July and we have 2 mnths notice period. after 20 days, my resignation was cancelled in the system without any concent from my side. I was being offered negotiations and they themselves considered that i have excepted them and cancelled my resignation. I re initiated a resignation and was asked to complete 2 mnths starting from that day. This time my program manager informed the client about my exit very late, even after my constant reminders. I have given the required knoledge transfer. Now the client is not okay with me going on the actual date of exit even after completing my 2 mnths. What should i do?

 8 Replies

M.S.R.Murty ( Manager (Admn))     20 September 2012

Dear Himanshu ji,

You would have put your resignation in writing rather than system disclosed

2 Like

STUDENT.... (.......)     20 September 2012

Hi Himanshu,


Please let me know do you have sufficient rights to take printouts or sending email out of your company?


If you have both then in that case please take the print shot of your resignation which you have applied from the internal portal of your company as well as send the print shot to your email as well and please do take the printouts as well.


Then please send an email to your HR Manager from the email address you have updated in the company records or you have mentioned in your CV with scanned copy of your resignation + Send letter to your HR Manager Via Speed Post with your formal resignation + Copies of your resignation and do mention in your resignation in both email as well as letter via speed post that it should be accpected from the date on which you have applied first.


In case they try to denied to accpect your resignation please do not forget keep your reporting manager and CEO/MD/Chairmanin in CC and if you have any ombuds department in your company keep them as well in CC while you send email to your HR Manager.


Also please don't forget to keep the copy of receipt which you will receive from Postal Department and also seek the delivery pod from the postal department for the same as a proof of delivery.


Mention in your resignation that please accpect my resignation from the date you have applied first and also mentioned that the same was cancelled by your manager without discussing with you about the same.


Don't hesitate to take this steps as if you sue the company as well in the court then in that case the lawyer of your company cannot even say that you have not taken initial steps or have not followed the hierarchy in your company as the hierarchy ends at chairman/md/ceo/coo level so please keep them in CC while you are sending your email to your HR Manager.



Best of luck for your new job and career ahead in future.

1 Like

Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 September 2012

Mr. Murthy is absolutely right.

Employee should stick to basics, time tested methods even if company coerces, forces to adhere to its own and internal system.

You could have taken a screenshot, and attached it or saved web page and attached it or you could have submitted notice by letter mentioning the notice updated in system.

The situation expressed by is one of the many games line management and HR play.

The bosses are given access to system and then they apply tactics, on their own, under instructions and later if situation becomes uncontrollable the superiors pass the buck to junior bosses.

You may submit a written representation under acknowledgment to good offices of your appointing authority, MD, Chairman, Company Secretary narrating the whole incidence, date wise and mention names, and that you are not able to extend the effective date of your resignation and seek relief.

Your options are bear till company relieves you peacefully or agitate.

However you need to build record in your favor and keep copies.

Employee should never haste and should always consult before hand.

Himanshu (Software Engg)     20 September 2012

Hi Mr Murty,

Thanx a lot for the reply. As per our company policies mentioned in the central portal, only the formal exit submitted in the system is valid. No written or Mailed resignation is considered.

Himanshu (Software Engg)     20 September 2012

Hi kunal, As suggested, i have saved copies of all the related mails in my home system. i will wait if they provide me the relieving letter for some more time, even then if they dont, i will take some legal steps with the help of the mails.

M.S.R.Murty ( Manager (Admn))     21 September 2012

Dear Himansuji,

Please note, once you are decided to resign, you need not stick on to the policies of the Organisation.  You should sent your resignation by Registered post Ack. Due.  Automatically your file at Organisation will be opened.  And as suggested by Mr. Kumarji, your options are bear till the Organisation releaves you. 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     21 September 2012

You may submit a gentle  representation in writing under acknowledgment { preferably by redg. post under acknowledgment and obtain POD from PO} to good offices of your appointing authority, MD, Chairman, COO,Company Secretary....... narrating the whole incidence, date wise and mention names, and that you are not able to extend the effective date of your resignation and seek relief. You may follow up by email with a copy to you.

Remain amiable but alert and vigilant.

Employee should be skilled enough to carry forward the rapport and goodwill without compromising on his/her rights.

RISHU (SHOP KEEPER)     21 September 2012

Resp Sir,

  Refer to enclosed file,I had sought certain information from DGSE cum
  SPD,RMS,CHD on 12/10/11.But instead of providing the basis of selection
  for  Hindi teachers they provided me the list of Urdu teachers appointed within
  Punjab.Despite regular follow-ups,they are reluctant to provide  the
  required information i.e. basis of selection especially of General Category. It is worthwhile
  to mention that I have downloaded the merit list of Hindi Teachers
  (Gen.Category)fr om RMS's website .I have enquired that that RMS have
  appointed the candidates having merit of 143 marks.But they have not
 appointed the candidate having merit of 144.7,having

all the lists have been attached herewith

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