Dear Sir/ Mam,
in 1 family there are 4 brothers, there father died, they have property in delhi , so Relinquishment deed had to be made all 3 brothers want to make in favour of 4th, so is it required to make 3 seprate deeds or 1 deed is sufficent
mahesh (director) 05 July 2015
Dear Sir/ Mam,
in 1 family there are 4 brothers, there father died, they have property in delhi , so Relinquishment deed had to be made all 3 brothers want to make in favour of 4th, so is it required to make 3 seprate deeds or 1 deed is sufficent
Kumar Doab (FIN) 05 July 2015
It is believed that deceased owner was Hindu and his legal heir(s) are also Hindu.
It is also believed that the deceased Hindu owner has not left any valid WILL.
Relinquishment Deed should be signed by all parties and witnessed by atleast 2 witnesses and should be registered as per Sec:17 of Registration Act,1908.
Prior to that the, property should be transferred/mutated in the names of all ClassI legal Heirs and achieve rights equal to rights of owner to relinquish.
For detailed guidelines contact an able local lawyer with all docs related to the property, its ownership, legal heir ship, transfer of property, mutation/revenue records, and let your lawyer advise you further after examine all docs on record and draft a suitable irrevocable relinquishment deed.
mahesh (director) 06 July 2015
Thanks Sir