Learned experts/members have provided valuable insights on the subject in this interesting thread.
Learned Mr. Dhingra strikes the right chord with his comments. "Rational HR personnel do take care of all such things".
In majority of the situations, the priority and concern is to execute the orders from above, wrong or irrational, and save one's skin and job. HR can diffuse a situation before it precipitates to become ugly and damaging for employee or employer. HR has to be unbiased and independent.
Majority of the companies designate employees as executives and managers and keep them confused that they are not workman. In many cases labor courts has awarded relief to employees who were designated as Managers/executives.
A person who joints any company has to in occur lot of expenses born by parents, and has to toil for years to acquire education, to become employable, and then hunt for job. Barring a few companies and a few leaders, who care to train and nurture them for future, majority of them do not care.
Rules and policies are being framed to suit the employer and there are rulings to suit the employer.
The elders in the family and institutions should care to spend time and resources to make the students smart and educate them on what they may face than to paint an idealistic picture. They should become smart and taught situational management on real life situations, their rights, to be disciplined and results oriented and justify their position and salary, set their goals, and of course what is the law. Let us not hesitate to mention that they should be educated to form unions, and defend themselves when they are wronged, and families should gather access to legal minds and get into the habit to consult them periodically on important matters. It is always better to retain a lawyer and consult than to repent later. Life can not be fulfilling on passion alone, there has to stability and protection.
The educated and learned and young one also should strive to get bigger umbrella of protection to managers, from our law makers in civil courts. Hire and fire does not suit us. In Japan employee is provided training and resource for other jobs if he is not able to flair in one. Kaizen has taken them to places.