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amar rawani   07 April 2017

Removal of electric pole from private plot

Hello sir/madam I recently owned a land which was disputed previously. An electric pole was installed and the wire crosses right from the middle of the plot which supplies electricity to the residents living behind the plot. So being the owner i want shift the pole.its my humble request to provide me the legal procedures that should be follwed for the removal.

 34 Replies

NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     07 April 2017

You have play this safe.

The govt. can claim that portion of land in public safety and interest.


So, what you need to do is to first see the VOLTAGE of the line. Is it a minor line or a major 11 KV Line ?

If minor line, it is easy.

But if major line, they have to plan re-alignment from the feeder station.

So, it might get complicated.


Either way, what you need to do is to take a paper and draw a diagram with your suggestion on how the re-alignment can be done ?

This might need 3 more poles or more.


DO NOT MEET THE CHAIRMAN/ IAS OFFICER of the department, right away.


First meet the JUNIOR ENGINEER and then the ASST.ENGINEER and then the ASST. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.



All the best.

amar rawani   07 April 2017

Thank you sir for the reply.

But i have already requested to the WBSEDCL for removal.but they arent helping.

Praveen Kumar (Intern Lawyer)     07 April 2017

Dear Mr. Amar,

You need to have a meeting with your zonal manager. Who will either self or depute someone to visit at site. After visiting the site, they will give you the estimate amount of pole. Which you have to be deposite in the department. The department will either remove the pole or broke the pole while shifting the wire to other pole.

If they will not cooperate you, then make a complaint to Public Grievence Commission by visiting the page;jsessionid=58B1E5EAF261CA7F4C7BBF0B625A34A7.node1?alf_f_name=contactus.html&action=e&windowstate=normal&alf_path=WebContent%2Fhomepagelinks&mode=view.

I hope this information will help you to findout the way of your problem.

amar rawani   07 April 2017

Thank you so much sir.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     08 April 2017

A power transmission pole is not an intellectual property.

NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     08 April 2017

But the electric pole supports power-supply mechanism which is used by people to become intellectuals and also in the crematorium to cremate 80+ yrs old people too. So, removal has to follow procedure.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     10 April 2017

You are sufficiently and well advised.


Dr. MPS Ramani is right in his observation that an electrical pole is not an intellectual property. In fact, In fact, the question relates to property law, so far as the property of the quthor is concerned, but he seems to have wrongly classified under the intellectual property laws. But here his problem relates to the Electricity Act of the concertned state, which he could better have booked under the head 'Ohers'.


NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     13 April 2017

Yes, but when a patient rushes to the emergency, the doctor should focus on the SOLUTION and not on irrelevant aspects of WHICH WAY DID YOU ARRIVE HERE

NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     13 April 2017

Yes, but when a patient rushes to the emergency, the doctor should focus on the SOLUTION and not on irrelevant aspects of WHICH WAY DID YOU ARRIVE HERE

NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     13 April 2017

Yes, but when a patient rushes to the emergency, the doctor should focus on the SOLUTION and not on irrelevant aspects of WHICH WAY DID YOU ARRIVE HERE

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     13 April 2017

But after the doctor Mr Iyer has attended to the emergency can the question not be asked?

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     13 April 2017

But after the doctor Mr Iyer has attended to the emergency can the question not be asked?

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     13 April 2017

But after the doctor Mr Iyer has attended to the emergency can the question not be asked?

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