whether a report filed by an Advocate commissioner before a court of law can be marked as an exhibits on the side of the Plaintiff or defendant of that suit..?
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C.NOWSHAD (ADVOCATE) 03 January 2012
whether a report filed by an Advocate commissioner before a court of law can be marked as an exhibits on the side of the Plaintiff or defendant of that suit..?
quote few citations if available...
niranjan (civil practice) 03 January 2012
It has to be proved like any other document.
Vakeel Civil Court (Director) 03 January 2012
If the commissioner is appointed by the Court upon an application of the party, the report automatically becomes the record of the court and according to the terms of appointment of the commissioner it will be marked in A for plaintiff, B for defendant, or C i.e. court series.
In case of any rival claim/contention by the opposit party, the report will have to be proved as any other document.
J.M.P.Lobo (Practising Advocate) 05 January 2012
Order XXVI Rule 10 sub-rule (2) C.P.C.: The report of the Commissioner and the evidence taken by him shall be evidence in the suit and shallform part of the record