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Chandra (owner)     22 November 2012

Req for citations - no court premises 4 visitation/bday

Kindly provide me with citations which states that Court Premises are not appropriate places for Child Visitation or Child's BDay celebration. Thanks in advance for your support.

 4 Replies

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     23 November 2012

Dear Querist

you should contacted a lawyer in your area or contact over the phone.

feel free to call

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     23 November 2012

1. See it is persuasive pleading and not set as absolute bar / Rule by Law of the land.
Reason being if parents are first of all not in agreement on child visitation and great adversities felt by any ld. Judge then alternate suggestion (option) is to begin visitation under observation of ld. Judge which is started from “court premises” only. Hence for a moment both parents needs to compartmentalize their ego when it comes to child visitation and agree to a neutral venue. If not then court premises is beginning of such painful journey of a child interaction with non-custodial parent.  

For above pleadings and reason behind such adversial Orders one need not have to consult a lawyer or call a lawyer to know such basic street gyan, it is all built in as natural instincts of respective parents on how to harmonies child visitation between them away from Court premises !

3 Like

Never Give Up (Fighter)     23 November 2012

Thank you Sirjee..


Upon your views above, Now i understood it perfectly the rationale behind my visitation order. Judge expressed same views verbally in one of my court proceedings before passing the visitation order.

Chandra (owner)     23 November 2012

Thanks for the prompt inputs. Son will be completing 4 years on 1st Dec and has been going to school for more than 1 and 1/2 years. Last year father was asked to celebrate son's BDay at court premises which was made a fiasco due to mother's preplanned activities. This year also court ordered to celebrate the BDay in court premises only!! The reason stated that child would be crying, if allowed to be taken by father!!!!!!!!!!! Mother's counter was filled with false allegations and father can prove 90% of those allegations. Now father is planning to challenge the Order in High Court (Andhra Pradesh) either on 26th or 27th Nov. Kindly give me your invaluable suggestions.

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