22 April 2008
why dont you change your palce of residence to the far place, so that your son may not get chance to meet his bad friends, why dont u put him to som strict hostel or draw his atention towrds Dhyana etc., dont give him too much money to spend. tell him about the imporance of education/degree for the surviuval in this world of struggle. tell him how education will help to earn money, and the imporance of money. childern will take the wrong path when there is frequnet fighting or excang of hot words between the father and mother. your son is not your enemy, he is your own son, who is innocent who is not knowing the sonsequences of faults, guide him properly. as you are hailed from a good family, you son must be respecting his mother, the mother can sentimentally black mail him and can draw him to good path.