a 15 April 2016
You may kindly note that.
1. You have not mentioned whether you are petitioner or respondent.
2. In case you are petitioner and had already filed divorce petition in the court, you may repeat the facts mentioned in the said petition and deny all allegations claims and charges made by the respondent in reply and also mention that you have filed list of documents the same may kindly be read and referred as part of this affidavit.
3. You may start each para by the words , I say that....
4. Brief format is as under.-
I, _____________________________age.___occ._______
do hereby declare on solemn affirmation and make this affidavit as under.-
1. I say that __________________
2.I say that___________________
(You writ detailed facts of the petition and deny all allegations and claims and charges of the other side made in reply to your petition,)
You may also mention that the contents of petition filed and list of documents enclosed may kindly be read and referred as a part of this affidavit.
Hence this affidavit.
Place. ______
Date________ Petitioner
do hereby declare on solemn affirmation and state that the contents
of this affidavit para 1 to_______ are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief and i believe the same to be true.
date._________ Deponent
kindly note that the affidavit you have to affirm before the registrar of said court or you may affirm before notary.
These are brief suggestions you may get the affidavit checked from advocate or registrar of the court please note.
Advocate High court.
a 15 April 2016
Thanks a lot Sawant sir for your quick response.
You are correct. I'm peitioner. You have shared correct draft to me. While I was reading over internet, I have found that we have file evidecnes accroding/with exhibit.
Please let me know meaning of exhibit in evidicens.