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MsPriyanka (tta)     21 August 2011

Resignation not accepted

Dear All,

Please help me and guide me should i follow legal notice to my organization ? please read my condition:

 I have resaign with 2 week notice from my role due to the major family valid issue, i have also submiited documented proof for same. Till now resignation is not accepted by my supervisor. He is saying that they have change the policy and asking everyone to server 3 month notice. 

As per my appoitment letter it is mentioned that any partities can terminate the employment with 3 momth notice or 3 month salary in short notice. I have agreed to pay the balance amount.

I have one week left for my relieving and process is not started.



 5 Replies

DISHA D. SHAH (lawyer)     21 August 2011

give legal notice by lawyer

Avinash Kumar Sharma (Sr. Manager HR)     23 August 2011

Dear Priyanka,

if u have signed and accepted the appointment or offer letter then u have to serve accordind to notice period prescribed in that letter. So you need not worry. Just serve upto your last day and then its their duty to settle your accounts. Resignation letter should be served through mail because it creates proof of your resignation.

Thanks & Regards,


syed abrar (test)     26 April 2013


hello all 
i work for a bpo..i want to resing but they are not acceting stating that they wont accept resignation till 8month ,,but as per appointment letter it was clearly stated that only one month will be notice period after resignation and they didn't inform us about the chaa work pls advice me i want to resign how to go about this pls help me 

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     27 April 2013

syed start a new thread so that your query will be read by all experts and will answer accordingly 

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