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yasaswi gomes (.)     24 March 2021

Retirement age



If I want to work until 65-70 years wi5out retiring, what kind of special requirements do I need? I work in MNC & BPO sector.


 5 Replies

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     24 March 2021

There is no specific retirement age for Private Sector Jobs, PROVIDED a person is Physically & Mentally fit & stable.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal 

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G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     24 March 2021

The commitment with hard work coupled with health and grace of the employer.

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yasaswi gomes (.)     24 March 2021

That is good news, but it is hard to believe that any hard work will be recognised with predatory founders who need their companies to be lucrative. They, in MNC’s don’t even respect an MBA and won’t distinguish them from B.Com qualified employees. So, an arrangement through law is mandatory. I was going through articles, and me says, due to overpopulation they reduced my lifespan. Who’s population are they talking about? Not my caste definitely and won’t take these troubles.

Shashi Dhara   24 March 2021

Simply go and work ,just like advocates ,doctors ,engineers workers till your health co operates.if it deterirates if u have saved heavy amount ,high tech hospitals are their to make u pauper.

yasaswi gomes (.)     24 March 2021

@Shasi Dhara, your cool... but I don’t want to be a slave to the system after being highly educated.... I don’t like to earn enough meagre money to afford vegetarian food ignoring my accommodation and transportation costs, while my company founders have enough non-veg and alcohol 🍺 every day... either they part with their profits with me or the salaries should be revised by governments (MNC is paying low wages like 1,00,000₹ pa,  giving a legal reason that MODI, GANDHI.... set the wage packages low) besides, what money I get cannot meet my longevity (90-100 years). 

How dare a government set my wages while I could have extorted fancyful wages? How dare an undergraduate government set wages for a masters?

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