my daughter's VTU BE 8th Sem one subject result came as 15/60 marks(external marks)but whereas internal marks as 33/40. Total 48/100 marks which they declared as fail.My daughter's BE 1st Sem to 7 th Sem results are 70+ percentage marks.She was confident of passing the paper and in revaluation also the result/ marks didn't change,but my daughter is confident of passing it.She got the photocopy of answer
scriptt evaluated by concerned
teaching professor of her college
and got 36/100 in that external
paper which is calculated for 60
marks i.e 21.6/60 which is pass marks.But college staff say now that it nothing be done now.
Can it be applied for re- correction or can we challenge revaluation result of VTU Belgaum.
Consult college authorities for appropriate action, this is not a legal dispute.