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Kumar Chennu (senior)     12 December 2016

Review petition under sec 397crpc

To All the experts, A case under sec 494 was booked on me on March 9 2016. I was taken into police custody on May 9 2016 and produced before Hon'ble court on May 10 2016. Before producing me before the court, I was issued notice under sec 41a crpc on which i duly signed along with date and time. When produced along with remand report, Hon'ble judge set me on liberty sighting police didnot follow the procedure of issue 41a crpc as per supreme court guidelines (Arnesh kumaVsSTate of bihar). Later, I appliced for Anticipatory Bail, for which judge rejected stating that since I have already been arrested and set at liberty, I cant be arrested once again. During the month of june,  police again issued notice under 41a crpc, for whcih i went to high court asking for clarity. High court once again rejected telling the police to strictly follow supreeme court guidlines. During the month of Nov, the same police again approched the MM court for arresting me, for which the court rejected. Now they went on a appeal to review the judegement under sec 397crpc    Can you tell me what are the possible outcomes.

In breif: Case registed on 9th March 2016 Arrested: 9th-10 May 2016 (1st noitce under sec 41acrpc issued) set at liberty, stating police didnt follow the procedures later 3 notice on various grounds with additional sections were issued ( all of them not valid as per high court) now police appealed against this thanks


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