I feel this law has done a great injustice to me.
I am also suffering from Muscular Dystrophy a severe disease like cancer.
I feel like ending my life because of the injustice rendered by the law and Nature to me. I feel my life as an animal existence. All my Childhood days was spoiled because of all my misseries and the injustice.
The above verse of me is because of the misseries given by law to me in all the possible ways. Now This law iseven preventing me for ending my life in a peaceful manner by restricting me with section 309 of IPC.
O.k I will ennumerate the injustice done by law to me.
My father was murdered by his own brother during 1999. As in the civilized society i can't comment the way in which he was acquitted. He was acquitted in 2003.
As i was in my childhood days and layman as said by G Williams in the Learning The Law we were not able to appeal in the right time.
Once during 2007 we tried to appeal but the advocate had not given the true information so i do not know about the appeal status.
I was so much troubled as i do not know law. In this circumstance i choosen legal studies.
Now, I wish to know atleast will this law permit me to make revision.
Something has been said about revision in section 397(1) with restriction in section 399(3) and 401(4) of Crpc.
Whether practically this revision procedure help me to wipe the injustice done to me?
What is the practical chance for the revision procedures.