In the year 2015, Vide announcement number 27/2015, Electronics Corporation of India released a job notification for the position of Dy. Manager - HR requires a Bachelor’s Degree with First Class and 2 years of full-time Post Graduation in HR (MBA/MHRM/IRPM) as the specified qualification.
As a result, 3 candidates were chosen and became part of the organization.
In the year 2023, the organization has revised its policy regarding educational qualifications for HR positions (from Assistant Officer HR to DGM HR) to require a First Class in Bachelor's Degree and a Pass in Post Graduation in HR (MBA/MHRM/IRPM).
In the year 2024, Vide advertisement number 28/2024, Electronics Corporation of India has announced a recruitment notice for the position of Sr. Manager HR, requiring a First Class Bachelor's Degree and a passing mark in Post Graduation in HR (MBA/MHRM/IRPM) due to a policy amendment.
Due to the changes in qualifications, 2 internal applicants cannot apply for the Sr. Manager HR position despite fulfilling all the criteria like age, experience, etc.
In this scenario, how to challenge with the Management for allowing internal employees as they have already entered and serving in the organisation.
Kindly advise sir.