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JAGADEESH   07 February 2025

Revision of hr policy regarding educational qualifications prohibits internal employees for new post


In the year 2015, Vide announcement number 27/2015, Electronics Corporation of India released a job notification for the position of Dy. Manager - HR requires a Bachelor’s Degree with First Class and 2 years of full-time Post Graduation in HR (MBA/MHRM/IRPM) as the specified qualification.

a result, 3 candidates were chosen and became part of the organization.

the year 2023, the organization has revised its policy regarding educational qualifications for HR positions (from Assistant Officer HR to DGM HR) to require a First Class in Bachelor's Degree and a Pass in Post Graduation in HR (MBA/MHRM/IRPM).

the year 2024, Vide advertisement number 28/2024, Electronics Corporation of India has announced a recruitment notice for the position of Sr. Manager HR, requiring a First Class Bachelor's Degree and a passing mark in Post Graduation in HR (MBA/MHRM/IRPM) due to a policy amendment.

to the changes in qualifications, 2 internal applicants cannot apply for the Sr. Manager HR position despite fulfilling all the criteria like age, experience, etc.

In this scenario, how to challenge with the Management for allowing internal employees as they have already entered and serving in the organisation.

Kindly advise sir.


 7 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     07 February 2025

Since it is case of fresh appointment, there is ground on which the change in policy could be assailed unless it is the case that the internal candidates have a vested right to be considered in terms of the company's policy or the terms of their contract of appointment.

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JAGADEESH   07 February 2025

The Management has not specified the reason for the change in educational qualifications in the policy, despite numerous requests. In this situation, how can we legally safeguard the interests of internal employees for considering their applications for interviews?



P. Venu (Advocate)     07 February 2025

You can represent and if no positive response, seek judicial review. However, please note that Courts are slow to interfere in policy matters.

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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     08 February 2025

The change in the policy for recruitment cannot be challenged before court in general terms until and unless the policy is against the interests of all or the law 

However if you have a valid reason for your grievances you may file a writ petition representing your case and seek remedy through writ

1 Like

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     10 February 2025

kindlyelanborate whether organisatipnis in govt sector?  it is vital for me to react.

Vishesh K Sapra (Advocate Delhi High Court and Supreme Court)     10 February 2025

Hello Jagadeesh ji,

The internal employees who are now ineligible due to the revised qualification criteria can challenge the policy change by filing a representation before the Management/HR Department, citing legitimate expectations and the principle of fairness in employment policies. They should argue that when they were recruited in 2015, the organization had set a specific qualification criterion, which they met. Since they have been serving the organization diligently for years, denying them a promotional opportunity based on a new policy change that was not applicable at the time of their hiring is unfair and arbitrary.

If the management refuses to consider their request, they can approach the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) or High Court through a writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution. The key grounds for legal challenge would be that the principle of legitimate expectation has been violated, as employees who joined under the old criteria had a reasonable expectation to be considered for promotions. Further, the policy change is arbitrary, as retrospective application of new rules should not disqualify existing employees from career progression. Additionally, natural justice requires that employees be given equal opportunity to compete for promotions based on experience and service record rather than new qualifications introduced later.

They may also cite relevant case laws, I have a case where the Supreme Court ruled that rules cannot be changed arbitrarily to affect employee rights retrospectively. If the matter is not resolved at the departmental level, they may also approach the Labour Commissioner or the appropriate service tribunal to seek intervention.

For further consultation, reach out at

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     10 February 2025

Originally posted by : Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
kindlyelanborate whether organisatipnis in govt sector?  it is vital for me to react.

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