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Mugundhan (Lawyer)     17 September 2010

Right action

It seems that the admin of this site has barred some members.( I presume this because their profiles are now not visible and for the past 2 days the site is free from message flooders). Hats off to the admin, because instead of asking a query or replying to a query or participating in a debate, some miscreant elements had come forward with some fixed agendas like thrusting their malafide views such as all advocates are bad, all women are torturing their husbands, etc. It is high time to think of a method to verify the profiles in LCI, otherwise these persons will come again  under one garb or another. 

 1 Replies

P.K.Haridasan (Advocate)     19 September 2010

Using or misusing a forum is depending on the mentality of the people handle it. It is a free flow of knowledge from person to person. If we  use it for something else.  otherthan the purpose, we have to check it.

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