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rajesh1971   01 October 2015

Right of fathe'sr property

Desr Experts,

Does my mother have right to her fathers property. That so called property had been given to him by my great grandmother and this so called property is her own.

There is will existing, actually the problem is my grand father himself was an advocate and by mistake he had married my mom at a very early age of 14yrs, this marriage took place in the year 1964.

Now being an hindu what act would be followed here, I have read that marriages before 1989 conducted the women were not entitled to any right to the property. But looking at this situation what are the options she has, the reason being is conducting child marraige when her own dad was an advocate who has passed away. Under the perview of the law what are her options. Can she file a motion for a retrubution in the court for the suffering she had go through marriying at a very tender age... please experts advice and actually her own family members are not in good terms... Thank You


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