Can someone tell me if the Right of Property record is the same thing as the record held by the talaity for property tax? Please help.
Ramesh Patel (CEO) 17 May 2014
Can someone tell me if the Right of Property record is the same thing as the record held by the talaity for property tax? Please help.
Anand Bali Adv. (Advocate Solicitor & Consultant) 17 May 2014
NO it is a big NO, most of the people thinks that the record of the mutation is the same one as the record of the title and ownership but it is not the case. Mutation record is only the record for the Property tax purposes and it is a revenue collection record, where any body can deposit revenue of the land on other's behalf. It can not be considered as the record of ownership and title.
Lawyer SALEEMA KABEER (Advocate Madras High Court & Legal Consultant Chennai Law in Law Firm. +91-9698884779) 17 May 2014
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 17 May 2014
As rightly opined by learned Advocate Mr. Bali, the revenue records and the title documents may not tally with each other, a proper verification can be done by producing all the papers before a lawyer for his opinion then only the a proper opinion to title of the property can be formed.
Usharma (Lawyer) 18 May 2014
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