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Dr Sreekanth M S   15 September 2020

Right to employment

Am a lecturer under govt. aided college. My employer is compelling to undergo Covid test with out any valid reasons, and threatens to withhold salary, if not done. Is it compulsory? Can an employer compell medical examination? What are my rights?

 5 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     15 September 2020

Just you think, there will be more students and lecturers and non-teaching staff in an educational institution.  So your employer may ask you on safety measures.  And in Government departments also, the employers are asking their employees to go for Covid test even no symptoms.  Now the situation is like that.  I opine that we cannot ask about rights in this situation. I think you are a Dr./Ph.D person.  Convince him that you have no symptoms and not interested to undergo the test.

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     15 September 2020

He can insist test only if you have any symptoms. Only Thermal screening test can be done

SIVARAMAPRASAD KAPPAGANTU (Retired Manager)     16 September 2020

What is your problem in undergoing the test, which is in your own interest and in the interest of students who come in contact with you in the course of your teaching. I am sure College isn't asking you to get tested and bring certificate every day!


If it's a casual entry into a shop or mall etc for limited time of say half an hour or so, you can be given access with checking your temparature with the device after you wash your hands with Sanitiser and your wearing a correct mask properly.


You are entering the College to teach, interact with students and be with students and colleagues for considerable time extending to several hours. Therefore, your Employer asking you to get tested is very reasonable and so please co-operate with them.


If you want to take a stand on your so called rights,  kindly realise that, students and staff too have their right to be healthy and not to be infected by somebody who happens to be one of them and thereby demand everybody is tested negative and then only gain entry.   

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     16 September 2020

Get yourself tested, where is the problem ?

Dr Sreekanth M S   16 September 2020

Ok, thank you all for the clarity.

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