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Daksh (Student)     11 May 2013

Right to life - with dignity

Dear All,

In light of the development in last few days i.e. Coalgate and Railways bribery scam I was astronished  to see wih what impugnity various players were trying to manipulate the system to their favour.  My grouse is that better sense has prevailed only when the Apex Court has put forth a well reasoned and definative foot forward.   But the situation at the grass root level is totally pathetic instead of getting our rights addressed we are still treated to be the second class citizens.  Instead of being system and processes at place we see nepotism at its best.  Might is right is the colour of the day.  

In these circumstances within the parameters of Directive Principles of States is it not the right for the Judiciary to again becomes proactive Suo Motto to clean the rot.  

If the executive fails to deliver then does why Judicial activism cannot be the game changer for better India.

Your views are solicited.

Best regards


 3 Replies

Bhupender Singh Rathore (aaaaaaaaaa)     12 May 2013


It is matter of great concern that even CBI is following the procedure of submitting the report to the ministry of law. And it can not be imagined that this lapse is first time only and not would have happend many times and the report may be changed in the past. The fact is that this time it came in the knowledge of the general public and the court.



This practice should be abolished and CBI should be given power of independent organisation as constitutional body.

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     12 May 2013

Judicial activism is already there and they are doing their best.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     13 May 2013

It is not the prevelent systems that has failed us, rather we have failed to live up to the systems. It is the mind set that needs to be change, right from the grass roots level, or else the higher echelons will go on living, as if there is no systems to manucled them. This sordid affairs will go on maybe for another century. The only requirement left now is to include the negative right in the constitution that is right to Die and scrapped Section 306 and 309 of the Indian Penal Code. What is the use of speaking about right to Live with dignity, when a privelege Class people can get away with the whole wagon of food stuffs but a man can be punish for grabbing a bread whose only idea is "food is God". What hurt me most is someone with all the ill gotten acumalation living like Angels in Bliss, and a honest man living a miserable life.JAI HIND.

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