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Ranga (nil)     30 March 2011

Rights in Joint Immovable Property

Myself and my brother inherited residential property of ground and first floor, ground floor assigned to me and first floor to my brother, by a registered will by my father clearly earmarking the building and sorrounding vacent unbuilt area, three sides common to both of us and the fourth exclusively to me.  The will is further decreed in our favour as per the will, by court. Is it possible for any one of us to sell his right to third party, if any one of us unwilling to take the others property by paying?  Thanks & regard

 5 Replies

Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate)     30 March 2011


adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     31 March 2011

yes he can.

Alok Tholiya (self employed)     31 March 2011

If u can give first offer to ur own brother will be very nice. Next wud be to ask him to sell togather which will be fetching good price. Finally if both this does not work out then sell ur portion.

usha (bcom)     31 March 2011

My neighbour entered into my compound wall by some inches i asked him to move he said he will not  he has the BPS paid also, so advice please what to do?

and it is a Govt land of 4Ft - it means 2Ft of each can be used in the air & he has used 2"1/2 ' Fts

So please advice me what to do now can we take legal action , we are not sure that he has paid the money of BPS for that place ,as per ny knowledge he cannot pay for the place

So please help us

raj kumar ji (LAW STUDENT )     01 April 2011

yes ranga ji u both of u sell there share as u want .

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