Prasanta (Asst Branch Head) 27 June 2013
CSB Nair (Bank Official) 27 June 2013
The claim by the legal heirs of the deceased will not hold good as the property was self acquired and the owner had an absolute right of sale. The asumption here is that the owner was mentally competent at the time of sale.
Prasanta (Asst Branch Head) 28 June 2013
Respected Sir,
I am not a Lawer. Can you please tell me which sectiion i can find all the details in IPC.
prakharved (Medical officer) 02 July 2013
As per the law, the heirs can make a claim in only ancestral property. There is no way they can claim a self acquired property of a person, which the person can sell to anyone as per his volition.
2BHelpfull (Other) 02 July 2013
as sale was made by mr X of the property which he himself had acquired .there r no right of mrX hier.
as the sale was made by mr X of his own acquired property so the sale is effective and legal.