Wasif M 16 October 2020
P. Venu (Advocate) 17 October 2020
Admittedly, the property purchased in your grandmother's name though the consideration (price) was borne by your grandfather; the grandmother had no sources of income of her own.
Your mother had predeceased the grandmother. If the property belonged to your grandmother, your mother could not have any right or share because, in accordance with Mohammedan Law, the property opens up for partition only after the lifetime of the owner.
However, if it could be proved that the property belonged to the grandfather, who had predeceased your mother, certainly your mother had share. So, her children can claim their share.
What do you mean by "4) The Property is both in registered (40%) and remaining notarized (60%) in which 60% was divided among my uncle's and aunts in the year 1997 from that date onwards paying Municipal Taxes and in the year 2015 got it Registratered by my Grandmother. ." How was the properties divided among the among the uncles and aunts? Was there gift (hiba) by the grandmother? Mere payment of taxes does create or divest title.
Wasif M 18 October 2020