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majeti (advocate)     23 November 2008

rights of the girls

what are the rights of girls in india ? any special privillages for the girls

 11 Replies

M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Advocate & Consumer Rights)     23 November 2008

Majeti, Can you  be little bit elobarative as to what your needs, so that useful discussion can be made on the subject.

yogesh (will tell you later)     23 November 2008

As per constitution of India there are equal rights in India.There are constitutional priviliges to both children and women

Tribhuwan Pandey (Advocate)     23 November 2008

In India there is no discrimination between girls and boys. both have equal rights. even girls have given more protection.

But  what special privillages under which you have not mentioned.

Ravi Arora (Advocate)     23 November 2008

rights are same for girls & boys,

some protections r there as mr. tribhuwam said


Yes , I do agree with Mr. T.C. Pandey.

In India there is no discrimination between girls and boys. both have equal rights. even girls have given more protection.

parul (lawyer)     14 January 2009

wat will you say about rape cases and eve teasing. can't we have some strict rules and laws so that we women feel safe in moving out. 

Kuljit Pal Singh (Legal Professional)     20 January 2009

Dear Friends

Right to equality is fundamental right given under our constitution, but there is a principle "equality among equals" and hence, to put the women on par with man the constitution provided and follow the principle of "reasonable restriction" and hence, u may find that women has been given priviledges under Article 15(3) of the Constitution.

We may find various legislations which upholds and give special priviledges to the fair s*x like Domestic Violence Act, Maternity Benefits Act, Prohibition of Immoral trafficking Act, Prohibition of Prenatal diagonistic Act (i forgotten the exact title), apart from this u may find special provisions for females in various Acts like Factories Act, Shops & Estd. Act, Contract Labour Act, Sec 125 of CrPc, Sec 498A , Sec 499 of IPC, Sec 114 of Evidence Act. the list is endless...


1 Like

rajini (Lawyer )     20 January 2009

yes in our constitution under article 14 to 18 it has equlity for both boys and girls but s*xual harassment in working places is still going on, we need a seaperate law for the protection of girls in working places otherthan the caselaws.

Kuljit Pal Singh (Legal Professional)     21 January 2009

Dear Friends,

I think the new amendments in the IPC has provisions for s*xual harrasements... still as per Art 141 of the Constitution the judgement of Apex Court will be treated as law since some new legislation will not enacted.


B.B.R.Goud. ( Faculty)     24 February 2009

There are several provisions under the constitution of India, 1950, to the women and children. Under this the states are empowered to make special provisions to uplift the weaker sections. In thet line - the reservation in education and employment, in legislation ( in progress ) etc .

during education & employment , special provisions such as rest rooms, special toilets, maternity leaves with salary, duty timings, skilled works  etc so many special provisions.

rajithkumar (Advocate)     19 May 2009

Dear friends ,

                         I agreed with above your views. some time we read the news in the paper , The girl complaint against  the boy   for the ground of cheating in the name of love. police filed the case against the boy. In the same ground the boy give the complaint, Why the police denied for file the case?

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