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durgaprasad   26 September 2015

Roudy sheet

a person under the accused of 354, case disposed by the court. filed on 22/10/2013, disposed on 04/11/2014.

the same person under the accused of 468, 471, 366, filed on 07/01/2014 almost two years completed no charge sheet filed till date. the two complaints were filed by the same person.

may be police were bribed.

we asked the police to maintain a Roudy Sheet upon the said accused! in the month of april 2014.

but police were denied to do so.  there is a legal provision if threre are two pending cases against any accused he will be entitle to be awarded Roudysheet, 

how to fight with said police officer to put him under pressure to open a roudy sheet?

is not it possible when sencond case is still on F.R, to open a roudy sheet? wil the police escape showing it was still on F.R?



 10 Replies

NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     26 September 2015


Rowdy Sheeter - but which category ?


A, B, C or D ???


Which category ?


Opening a rowdy sheet is not a small thing.


He then has to be monitored, his activities regulated,...etc etc


The Commissioner of Police can be named as one of the Respondents, if the opponent goes to the High Court against his name in the Rowdy Sheet.


Definitely Police will play safe, since later on, they have to defend their action.


So, if you have strong evidence, directly approach the Commissioner of Police and he can direct them to open the Rowdy Sheet.

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durgaprasad   26 September 2015

no evidence only one reason! there are two pending cases against him! 354D accused accquited!

sencond one is still under pending no charge sheet filed against him!

is it possible to file rowdy sheet with out completing the charge sheet?

NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     26 September 2015


NO and YES.


Based on an acquittal, answer is NO. 


Second one is pending. charge-sheet not yet filed.


But fate of that is unknown. what if he gets acquittal there too ?


So, answer is NO.


Rowdy Sheet SHOULD NOT be opened.




can it be opened ? is it possible ?




Then what happens ?


The Police Officer who did that can even get dismissed and the home secretary can be pulled up and the home department can be sued - To give adequate compensation.


Criminal Defamation can be invoked as a section of the law against the Police and Home Department and you too.


You see, without strong reason, especially if he is NOT a habitual offender, if he is NOT a repeat offender with multiple cases against him, in the past and if there is a normal past track record, then rowdy sheeter file SHOULD NOT be opened.


But just to harass a bit, if they open, it is a huge risk.


Since he has already seen one acquittal, risk is high for the police, in opening a rowdy sheet.


If you insist upon rowdy sheet, the entire FIRE will turn upon you.


Better move in a different direction if you see him.


I have given you technical information.


Choice is yours.


durgaprasad   26 September 2015

thanQ sir ThanQ so much! i need this aswer only!

i am not criminal! i loved person she belonged to muslim community! they are middle class, i belonged to upper middle class, i sincerly loved her for four years, in fourth year i took her to temple, get her married with me. we dirtectly approched S.P, he sent me to D.S.P, from there the story starded.

i am post graduate, aftral one daily wage earner, with the help of his dauter, and local counsillor and MLA, he did every thing. those two are MLA adn counsillor are my ex enimies they got the oppertuinity. so wiht the help of C.I they filed rowdy sheet.

i wana make dissmissed the C.I he koows every thing! but he did watever he wanted.

first case is filed after 5 months of my marriage, suprisingly after taking the layer notice, second case is filed after 8 months.

based on these two they hav opend rowdy sheeet with personal glidge. still now they havnt provide charge sheet for the second case.

now i wana go against them! 

suggest me how can i go against them?

NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     26 September 2015


Then why did you do the circus saying it is someone else ?


You could have directly posted here on this forum that it is your case.


Anyway, Read the IMPORTANT links at the end of this piece and then after 15 days from posting to commissioner of police, File a PCR in the court.


List criminal defamation, criminal conspiracy, false complaint and other sections as applicable to you.

Visit a law book store and purchase IPC and CrPC manuals and amendments and see which one applies to your case.


File a PCR.


Name that police inspector, MLA and others too.


Send a copy of that complaint, to the ASSEMBLY SPEAKER, since MLA can be acted upon only if the speaker's permission is given.


Most Importantly, read these, take a print-out, highlight the words " supreme court " and submit a written request to the Police Commissioner to remove your name from the rowdy sheeter list and file.


DISCHARGE of your name. Use the words DISCHARGE and RELEASE.


1 Like

durgaprasad   28 September 2015

thank you sir!

i took print outs of the attached files, read them, which are very much useful for me. now my question is where i can file p.c.r can file them in District Court?



NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     28 September 2015

Magistrate Court ( Trial Court )

durgaprasad   28 September 2015

can I use the following reasons!

1. i married her then went to S.p ofice. volentryly. that mean no body recoverd my wife, 

and at that time they havnot filed any case. becaz she threatned them if somding going wrong i will die.

2. i sent lawer notice after 3 months. they received it then filed a case there i did notthing expt that! i did not do any thing undr the definton of 354D, which was disposed by the court.

3. after 3 months her enguament was broken! i am not the reason for that, i took her after engagement. she gave me much pressure until i took her. but her parents thought becaz of me enguagement breaked down. again they went police station. 

4. with in this 8months period i had quarrel with local M.L.A, at some othr issue, the person counsillor, who has com to D.SP ofice took her. i am helpless at that time, after a few days i gave a him a blow, because he is mis utilizing forein funds.

5. those two people kept it in mind, father of the girl is right hand of that MLA, 

the caste of that the counsillor and D.S.P adn C.i and MLA are same offcourse me also belongs mla's caste he did nothing to me.

on 07/01/2014 they filed a case wiht the help of D.S.P and C.I i was sent to remand for 14 days they have noted 4 sections like 468,471,341 509  directly on FR, then C.I attached two sections like420 and 366. what is the reason behind to attach the two section y didnt put them on FR? still it is in pending no chargesheet filed. FR was sighned by S.I he is really good one.

after i got the bail ci recomondd me to sheet! D.sp sighned it,

all these employes has plyed with me, i wana learn them a lesson.

can i go like this? showing their mistakes like above?

please answer me sir.




NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     28 September 2015


I told you to drop it. Your case is inter-linked. Your mistakes and their mistakes.


If you pull them, they too will pull.


chaalu aapu antae nuvvu vinnavaa !!


Still, if you want to go ahead ( After this, I shall not answer )



You have to summarize briefly, like this. After these points, finally the detailed one paragraph descripttion may be given.


for 1. Absence of a CAUSE OF ACTION.


for 2. Acquittal by Honourable Court proving false implication by O.P.


for 3. Intentional Insult with Intent to provoke breach of peace ( IPC section-504 )


for 4. idhee, if you have evidence, you can show as grudge shown against you in an earlier offence committed by him in matters of foreign funds which you exposed and did a whistle-blower role in the interests of the state.


But this is a very strong point and without evidence, you will get reverse-hit big time. 


so, beware.


for 5.


a) Act done by several people in furtherance of a common intention


Criminal Conspiracy


b) Use RTI to get the answers to your questions in this paragraph


on 07/01/2014 they filed a case wiht the help of D.S.P and C.I i was sent to remand for 14 days they have noted 4 sections like 468,471,341 509  directly on FR, then C.I attached two sections like420 and 366. what is the reason behind to attach the two section y didnt put them on FR? still it is in pending no chargesheet filed. FR was sighned by S.I he is really good one.

after i got the bail ci recomondd me to sheet! D.sp sighned it.

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durgaprasad   29 September 2015

thanq u sir, i am very happy to hear from u! 

i am really greatful for coustions and sugetions!

thanks for telugu explanation.


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