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abhi_PSTCL (GOVT SERVICE)     02 August 2017


I have put a RTI in govt office regarding the some regulations of dealing chargesheets. RTI is about how much time to be given to accused and if accused will not submit his reply with in stipulated time what is procedure to be adopted as per regulation? How much time is given to seniors officials to give Thier comments etc etc. But I found a reply from PIO they said that all these information is contained in Thier regulation book of about 50 pages and I need to submit 100rs. But I only need about 4 pages or related regulations not the complete book. I have already the book of that department there is nothing clear in that book I also asked about some pending chargesheets through RTI regarding when the accused sumitted Thier replies,when the seniors gave Thier comments what is action taken them who has not submitted above on time as per regulation? But they said that this information can not be given Can I please tell me what can I do now?

 7 Replies


Dear Raj, 

     You can go for an Appeal, however, please note that the PIO has already provided you source of information and asked you to refer the manual which you already have with you. Your contention is that the manual is not very clear and you have further questions. Not sure what do you mean when you say "seniors said the information cannot be given" ? Did they wrote the same in the response letter ?

     RTI will only provide you with available information and the authorities will avoid "Elaboration", "clarification", "Advice" etc which the CPIO will tell you that it is not in the purview of RTI.

    Many laws and procedures are vauge and unclear in the country but RTI is not the route to get clarification, explanation etc. The CPIO's reject such requests.

   For clarification, you will need to consult some external expert 


abhi_PSTCL (GOVT SERVICE)     02 August 2017

@rajesh ji yes they wrote it can not be given. I have just asked about date of submission not the comments done by seniors I know that is confidential. In the manual there is nothing about the asked questions. For that questions or related one department has issued the circulars which are not in manual Firstly for the doing it late pio just asked my about indian citizenship proof then he give me reply that to follow that book My question is that if want to ask something about some law of constitution then they will give me the law or will advice me to follow all complete constitution? I need not any clarification but I need proper answer or circular related to my query


In that case please register an Appeal and if you still do not get the info then go for a 2nd Level Appeal with CEC

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     03 August 2017

Seek inspection, select those copies and they have to provide those selected copies and take them as certified copies on record @ Rs.2/- per page and those pages cost Rs.8/-

First understand as to what is information under RTI:  Information is that form available as material under custody and control of Public Authority.  Once it is uploaded, the information is not exclusively available with authorities..

Never go for appeal on urgent and important matters as it takes minimum of 18 months for IC to hear your appeal, and the decision is also uncertain.

When PIO has come forward to provide such information, if the information is urgent and important, Rs.100/ is not a big amount while dealing with those cases as stated by you.  Never depend on CIC alone.

CEC is not concerned with information appeals.  Central Information Commission, August Kranti Bhavan, Bhikaji Kama Place, NEW DELHI is the address where you have to send second appeals.

1 Like


Thanks Prasad Sir, this indeed is informative

P. Venu (Advocate)     03 August 2017

Your posting suggests that your seeking an information which already published/ notified and available in the Rule book. It could also be accessed on the internet.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     15 August 2017

For RTI application the purpose need not be given. But you may have a purpose in asking for the informaion. If the members here know your purpose they will be able to advise you better.

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