Sk Rajjak Hossain 29 November 2018
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 30 November 2018
You can get any personal information of third party under RTI as per Delhi High Court judgment. You have to argue your stand in the ongoing case. Filing IT complaint is a different issue. You may complain to the principal of that Medical college enclosing his statement and request him to inquire into the financial details of the class IV employee as his earnings and assets are disproportional and make this as copy to ACB.
Except this way of spoiling the relations, you are not going to achieve any thing. Focus on main issue and get out from the case first.
No one can take granted the knowledge of a judge and during case the parties will be coming out with such facts during cross examination.
Shanmugam .C 30 November 2018
First you may send a Notice to yr father in law saying abouut a leter is being sent about the dowary toatal amount of Rs.22 lakshs to his Officie Head under RTI Act if they are not wihdraw the caseagainst you by giving 15 days time . If you have not rev=ceived any respons fromyour fther in law, you may call for details frm yuyr Fther in law ;s office and IT Department under RTI Act. Approximately this will take abut 65 days or more.
C. Shanmugam
Retired Employee
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 30 November 2018
One can never get personal information of third party from any authority under RTI Act as this information is exempted specifically under Sec.8. Both the CIC ruling and Delhi HC judgment that such information on Dowry cases must be obtained through the process of court is in website of IT.
Kishor Mehta (CEO) 30 November 2018