If we need information abt decision taken in certain cases do we need to ask for notesheets of those files under govt .deptt?Can we get notesheets of such files though they do not realte to us persoanlly?
rajeev sharma (Advocate Ex senior manager law ) 24 September 2011
yes u can provided the information is in possession of departmemt
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Advocate) 25 September 2011
you can't ask third party information unless larger public interest involve.
shekhar (proietor) 27 September 2011
sir, i think wecan ask for information about third party. like list of persons aloted petrol pump, its reason etc
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Advocate) 27 September 2011
if public interest in large effected, PIO shall provide without excercising section 11(1)
Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist) 28 September 2011
being citizen of this country u can ask those informations, u may just give RTI application, and wait for their response, if they refuses then u may contact appellate authority.
Democratic Indian (n/a) 29 September 2011
The defenseless and disarmed RTI activists, who have no means to defend themselves are already getting killed for daring to seek their rights. Now the defenceless and disarmed people, who stand against corruption and refuse to pay bribes are getting killed: https://www.lawyersclubindia.com/forum/Beaten-to-death-for-refusing-to-give-bribe-in-u-p--44577.asp
A mirror never needs to speak since it shows everything as it is. What more do we need to see in order to realise the basic difference between freedom and servitude?
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 13 October 2011
Many relevant points have already been discussed by members of the forum. Nothing much as of now to add to that from my end.
I want to ponder aloud on something that has been doing rounds in my mind. Please ponder well, ponder again over and over and then get across on this thread:
'Can RTI be used in conjunction with other rules: CPC, IPC, Electiricity rules, IT rules etc etc?' (This sort of a thing has been happening in civil cases: This application is u/s .......... of .......... rule/act READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH ............ of ...............)
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 28 October 2011
Without case details (exact need) in terms of: Department, information needed, rules that govern that department etc it is difficult to attend to such querries.
Quiet a number of points, perspectives etc have been raised, suggested by respected members. But fact remains that Neelam raised a question and has failed to participate in the discussions in the thread.