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Sonu (Software Engineer)     23 October 2013

Rti act - to whom i have to send the rti application?

Police kept me in jail for 3 days on 498A and released. This police station is in Andhra Pradesh.

I want to file RTI to get the information from police station:

Number of days they kept me in station.

Reson to kept me in station for 3 days.

Did they get orders from DCP to do the arrest based on 498A.

Please provide me to whom I can send the RTI application, who is the PIO /APIO officer to get info on my case?

Thanks in Advance.

 8 Replies

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     23 October 2013

you can address the application to the Information officer under RTI Act and the PS where FIR was regd against you. for example if the FIR is regd by PS XYZ

the application should be sent to Information officer under RTI Act, XYZ PS,Hyderabad.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     23 October 2013

search website of the deptt.

Sonu (Software Engineer)     23 October 2013

I spent 4 hours but didnt get any info. Please try to give me more clear information on PIO (public information officer) of the police department. Thanks.

Udaya Shankar. C (Retired)     23 October 2013

Mr S Shravan kumar is correct.   Simply file the RTI application stating your questions   No. 1., 2, 3, etc.,  addressed to    Public Information officer under RTI,

XXX Police staation,   clear address.  by Registered Post, Ack. due. They are supposed to give you reply with in 30 days. If you do not get reply with in 30 days go for appeal to the concerned  Dy. Commissioner Office enclosing copy of your RTI application, postal receipt copy. If DCP also do not respond  enclosing all correspondence including which is addressed to DCP  to the Commissioner of Police, so and so city.

Even then if you do not get  reply  appeal to the state Information commissioner demanding the compensation. They are supposed to give reply as well as compensation for mental agony and harasssment.

Sonu (Software Engineer)     23 October 2013

Yes I can send the RTI application to the Public Information Officer (PIO).

But there are different PIOs for each department. What is the correct address in Andhra Pradesh to sent RTI related to my case?

Udaya Shankar. C (Retired)     23 October 2013

Every Govt.Dept and its branches must and should have a person designated as Public Information Officer. This PIO's  duty is to attend to RTI applications. Hence address your questions under RTI to   PIO, xxx police station,  with clear address.   thats all

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Ms.Nirmala P.Rao (CEO)     24 October 2013

You can send one single RTI query to State Public Information Officer and they are duty bound to provide all necessary information to you- save that of section 8 of RTI Act. Also, file a criminal Writ of Certiorari in High  Court to get their criminal proceedings quashed.If you wish to thank me for this reply please click the Thank You button on my profile.

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Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     09 August 2015

let the application be addressed to SSP.

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