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Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     15 December 2008

RTI - File your application over Telephone

Dear All,
The following appeared in  "Hindustan Times", New Delhi Edition on December 15,2008, page no. 01.
May be useful for future references.
Keep Smiling ... HemantAgarwal


From April, just call in to file your RTI application                             

FROM NEXT April, you will be able to file a Right to Information (RTI) application from your MTNL phone.

All you will need to do is call a number and place your request; you won’t have to go anywhere or fill forms. The phone requests will be handled by a national call centre, which will be run jointly by the ministry of information technology and a non-governmental organisation, Kabir. They are in the last stages of setting up the place and equipping it. The centre, which is Congress chief Sonia Gandhi’s idea, will take calls from across the country.
A regional call centre has already been in operation in Bihar, and it has done well “despite low literacy and poor access to tele- phone”, said an official. There will be no extra charge for processing your phone request. The fee will remain the same at Rs 10 — the amount charged for every RTI application — and will be added to your monthly phone bill. “Depending on the response to this pilot project, we’ll consider adding other service providers,” said a senior IT ministry official.
The official said there will be a dedicated RTI portal where all applications will be posted so that the public information officers can access them. “The portal will also help applicants check the status of their applications.” The portal is under construction, and the number you can call is being finalised.


 11 Replies

Rajan Salvi (Lawyer)     15 December 2008

All money spent by the government on schemes should be posted on the net at the varuous government sites under various heads. Sensitive information like on defence may be excuded. Instead of asking for information, it should be available to all. It is our right.

We see money sancftioned and siphoned off on schemes. Latrines/frainages are not build but bill is taken. Beneficiaries are dead persons. Excessive billing is seen [ buying goods worth X for 2X or sometimes 3X. Money is spend on advertisement by political groups. Useless ads are posted .

1 Like

AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer)     15 December 2008


We can see how much it helpful only after april.   As per me this Act is not helping us in getting repose within stipulated time after submission of appplication,  if we personally followup our application in concerned department.  Then an innocent person can also know, what will be happend for a request on phone and that too,  MTNL OR BSNL  

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     16 December 2008

Regarding money spend by the Government I absolutely agree with Rajan Ji, I am sure that will achieved real transparency and also help good governance.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     16 December 2008

Regarding money spend by the Government I absolutely agree with Rajan Ji, I am sure that will achieved real transparency and also help good governance.

Rathnakar P V (civil engineer)     16 December 2008

Yes, I do agree with the view of majority forum Members.RTI  movement is more successful,If the Citizen really knows the funding of different Projects.The idea of Putting the information on,allocation of funds ( to different Heads)on the Internet is VERY VERY GOOD IDEA!

1 Like

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     16 December 2008

RTI is a poweful weapon for the people, but when powerful people are involved in siphoning off public money who are well expert in corruption even RTI fails, as there are grey reas in digging out the fund. I have experience this, as I have been running from pillar to post to unearth certain fund that was meant for the poor farmers for nearly 6 months, and ultimately my last resort is to go out of State which the poor farmers can not bear my expenditures and I have to do it on my own. As such it should be mandatory to show the departmental expenditures under various head of expenditures.

Prakash s Deshmukh (Sr. Lecturer-in-law)     20 December 2008

i hope than very objectives of the RTIAct shall get achieved.


A.Mohamed Thaheer (ADVOCATE)     06 April 2009

Today is April 6th 2009.  What is the progress of the information furnished as per the Hindustan Times, Daily News dated 15-12-2009.Because, it is a very good effort for becoming the R.T. Act, 2005 with utmost success for transparency in the Administration and also to minimise corruption and mal administration in Govt. Departments of various states.

DR.SANAT KUMAR DASH (Eye Specialist)     18 February 2010


Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     19 February 2010

I strongly support Mr Salvi's view.

It should be done.

there is a jaint corruption in bpl card issue. suppose the name and address of the card holder published in internet we can check our local area. who is the card holder and whether they are actually entitled or not. if not we can send information to the higher authority.

is there already going on?

Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     19 February 2010

Is there anything, already going on?

any member can light on it?

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