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B N Sarma (Officer, QC)     13 October 2011

Rules for fixation of basic pay and adding increament in psu

1.        Is there any thumb rule to fix basic pay at lower rate to an employee who has migrated from similar PSU?

2.       Can annual increament be stopped to an emplyee in a new organisation who has migrated from similar PSU and joined the new organisation at last quarter ( October - December), who did not got Annual increament in the previous organisation. The new company uses to pay annual increament as on 1st of January every year.

Detail document will be submitted if someone is interested to reply

Expert comment is solicityed.

 12 Replies

SURESH GODBOLE (ADVOCATE)     27 October 2011

Dear Questioner ,


                               There are two aspects to be answered first : -

                               Migrated means :

                              (i) An Employee of the previous PSU has come of his own will and on request or due to shut down of the PSU and coming thro Surplus Quota of the Closed PSU

                              (ii) The borrowing depatment  had advertised the post and the employee has come thro PROPER CHANNEL 

                              (iii) Also what was the reason of not granting an employee increments in previous  PSU.



B N Sarma (Officer, QC)     27 October 2011

(ii) The borrowing depatment  had advertised the post and the employee has come thro PROPER CHANNEL 

Yes, the borrowing department had published advertise and I had responded against that, faced interview and got selected.

                              (iii) Also what was the reason of not granting an employee increments in previous  PSU

The previous PSU had a practice to add increament on the date of joining, my date joining was 12th October, 2008 and I left the organisation on 26th September 2008. So no Annual Increament was added to my basic for that period.

Grateful if you kindly respond.



SURESH GODBOLE (ADVOCATE)     27 October 2011

Dear Mr Sharma ,

                            Two things , you must understand ,

                            (i) You were at the minimum of the pay scale of the First PSU ;

                            (ii) In the Second PSU you were appointed as a NEW APPOINTEE (NOT CARRYING THE PREVIOUS SERVICE ALONG WITH YOU) , YOU MUST HAVE RESIGNED FROM PREVIOUS PSU , NOT KEEPING YOUR LIEN (which is kept only for permanent employees) .

                              Thus you will be appointed at the lowest of the Pay Scales attached  to the Post  to which you were appointed in the NEW PSU ;

                            (iii) As you are Freshly appointed and do not carry the previous service along with benefits ,

Your Initial Pay will not be fixed , At the minimum at first in Sept 2008  , and After completion of Oct , Nov , Dec 2008  , adding one increment on 1st Jan 2009  making it lowest+One increment w.e.f  1Jan 2009 .  THIS IS YOUR CONTENTION . WHICH SHALL BE REJECTED UNLESS THE RULE POSITION IS OTHERWISE.

                             The next increment will only be granted as per  the extant rules of NEW PSU .


                             NO CASE MADE OUT .

                            With regards ,

                            SURESH GODBOLE , 0-9929596546 , JAIPUR


Dear Sarma,


Your pay is to be regulated as per the rules of the organisation where you are posted. Your previous organisation would not have opted to apply the recommendations of the Pay Commissions, while your new organisation would be following the recommendation of the pay Commission in grant of increments on the first of january after completion of service anniversary of employees. If the PSU allows increment to all employees on first of january, it cannot be obliged to single out your case to individual's expectation.


(Continued from previous post)

So, better check the pay fixation rules and that of the increment followed in both the PSUs before claiming your increment.

B N Sarma (Officer, QC)     16 November 2011


I want to talk to you, if you kindly allow me I will call you in this context.


B N Sarma (Officer, QC)     16 November 2011


Originally posted by :B N Sarma
1.        Is there any thumb rule to fix basic pay at lower rate to an employee who has migrated from similar PSU?

2.       Can annual increament be stopped to an emplyee in a new organisation who has migrated from similar PSU and joined the new organisation at last quarter ( October - December), who did not got Annual increament in the previous organisation. The new company uses to pay annual increament as on 1st of January every year.

Detail document will be submitted if someone is interested to reply

Expert comment is solicited.


Dear Sarma,


Before speaking, you would need to send complete case history to me through my email ID, as without that it may not be possible to throw ample light in your case merely on casual and general brief of the problem. You may, if you like, send your case history at:

SURESH GODBOLE (ADVOCATE)     16 November 2011

Why the new Co give yu additional increments ?

Is there any rule in new PSU ?

Why your increments were blocked in previous PSU ?

The icreament can be granted only after completion of 12 months of service ?

Did you complete it in new Org ?

Answer all of them

We will see

SURESH GODBOLE (ADVOCATE)     16 November 2011

You can talk to me , FREE OF COST


B N Sarma (Officer, QC)     28 December 2011

Why the new Co give yu additional increments ?

Because new PSU has fixed my basic pay @ Rs.2765/pm which is Rs 65 less then BP @ 2830/pm in the name of pay protection.

Is there any rule in new PSU ?

The new PSU agreed to protect pay for the experience holder candidate.

Why your increments were blocked in previous PSU ?

Increament was not blocked, but I left the previous PSU before completion of 10th year.

The icreament can be granted only after completion of 12 months of service ?

Did you complete it in new Org ?

No as on 01.01.1999.

Mrinal Kanti Das   05 May 2017

Dear Sir,

I had worked in a PSU from 14 october 1992 to 27 October 2015. After applying through proper channel and getting selected in interview I got a job in another PSU at one post higher and joined there on 28 October 2015.

In my previous organisation Pay scale was not revised and prevailing scale was of 1997. And in the new organisation prevailing pay scale is of 2007.

In my last pay certificate the last basic+ DA pay was Rs.64058( At the highest level of 13000-350-18250 scale.)

But during fixation of my pay in my present organisation (in 29100-3%-54500  scale)they have fixed it at the basic of Rs.30820 (almost at the bottom of the scale) maintaning the same basic + DA ie. Rs.64058  in 2007 scale and ignoring all the seniority (though I have come through proper channel) of my previous organisation.

Please let me know:

1) Am I not eligible for the fixation at the revised pay scale ?

2)If yes, what should I do?

3) I have already given representation to my present organisation. They are saying that since my previous organisation had no pay revision for 2007. I should get only Pay Protection of that. Is it called Pay Protection?

With regards,

Minal Kanti Das

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