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sneh lata singh (hr executive)     18 August 2010

salary issue

Respected sir,

                            Actually i was working in a consultancy and i was in need of leave for my exams of 20 days but the director of company became angry and was not ready to give me leave and said no need of coming office from tomorrow. now the condition is this he is not paying me my salary of the month june and 10 days in july. first he said just courier me your resignation letter then i will pay you i did id but now he is saying that returm me your offer letter then i will pay you salary. Now suggest me what i do if i will return him my offer letter then i can not show anywhere that i was working here. what is the legal action i can take against him. how i can get my salary?

With Regards,


sneh lata singh

 1 Replies

Premalatha.S.Bhat (Legal Consultant)     20 August 2010

Hello Sneha,

Never ever return him the offer letter.  That is your proof of working in his firm.  Ask him the salary which is due in writing, putting in detail the tenure you worked there, the period for which the salary is pending, and such other details and asking him to pay the same.



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