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Ritu Sharma   04 October 2016

Salary not paid by hdfc bank

Hi, I am currently working in HDFC bank and I have recently resigned and currently serving my notice period. My manager insisted that my last month salary will not be paid to me and rather he will keep it for his personal benefit. Kindly suggest what legal authorities shall I involve in this or where to register the complaint or what other legal action can be taken against my manager. Regards, Ritu Sharma

 11 Replies

KS Johal   04 October 2016

Your manager have not done anything wrong except he has made a statement. I am sure that he will deny it. You cannot take any action against person making such a statement.

Adv. K.S.A.Narasimha Rao ( )     04 October 2016

Let you get your letter, after that if hdfc failed to pay your salary for the of your work, you can approach central labour tribunal

dr g balakrishnan (advocate/counsel supreme court)     04 October 2016

Issue a legal sec 80 Notice for payment of your dues to the CMD copy to the manager or vice versa under a copy to commissioner of labor, on your branch jurisdiction, you will have to get a reply, if not inform the commissioner, and he will issue Notice to the CMD, branch Manager with a copy to labor secretary of the state concerned.tks

Kumar Doab (FIN)     04 October 2016

Record (audio/visual/witnessed/minuted).

The employee can lodge complaint th moment payment of wages/dues is delayed even by a day from the promised/usual/fixed day-date of payment of wages/dues.



Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     04 October 2016

Dear Client,

                 Thereare  ahierarchy o f compalints. ifyou don't want to avail those mechanisms you can straight file th ecae incomputer forum. Here are th eHierarchy of compalints forums.

India Consumer Complaints Working to reduce consumer hassles in India

Complaint Filing Procedure in HDFC Banks including Other Banks

Submitted by admin on Sun, 06/11/2011 - 3:57am

This article will throw light on how to file a complaint in HDFC Bank and the levels of complaint against any of it's services. You will also learn about complaint procedure as mandated by RBI. For other banks this procedure will be more of less same.

HDFC Bank main page

Just like other banks, HDFC Bank too is governed by Indian government watchdog RBI. RBI sets guidelines to all banks and financial institutions in India.

HDFC Banks Complaint Levels

If you go to HDFC Bank contact us page in the bank site you'll find the HDFC Bank has listed following complaint levels:

  1. Level1:First complaint

    This is defined as first time complaint. You can file the complaint through:

    • Phone banking
    • By filling a complaint for online
    • At the bank itself
    • Or sending a letter to HDFC bank designated office ( Mumbai and Chennai)

    I happen to register a complaint by writing it in the Bank's complaint register with a carbon copy. I'm given the original paper as proof of complaint received. So this is Level- 1 complaint. Also you'll be assigned a complaint number.

  2. Level2:Grievance Redressal Officer

    If you are not satisfied with the resolution or due to inordinate delay you can now proceed to the grievance redressal officer assigned by HDFC Bank.

  3. Level3:Nodal Officer/Principal Nodal Officer

    If you are not satisfied with level-2 then HDFC bank has a list of nodal officer which you can proceed for final complaint resolution.

The Final Level: Banking Ombudsman

Reserve Bank of India(RBI)

HDFC Bank clearly specifies that if you are still not satisfied with the resolution after third level or no resolution even after 30 days of filing complaint then you can go ahead and file complaint to RBI Banking Ombudsman

At the current time RBI has designed Banking Ombudsman in 15 zones in India. Check your state and city in this Banking Ombudsman list and file your Final complaint by filling out application in this PDF format specified by RBI (type in details in the PDF form in your computer then print).

Not satisfied with the resolution with Banking Ombudsman?

Going to court is the last step you do. Most likely your case should come within purview of Consumer Court. If you appreciate this reply please click the thank you button on this forum.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     04 October 2016

The links posted by Ms. Usha Kapoor are for consumer complaints.

Although everyone would love to see the day when 'Cosumer Forums' shall start adjuticating complaints related to payment of wages, as on day, this might not be th right idea.

The courts have more so,in case of govt. employees, have decided that such matters  be decided civil/labor courts/tribunals.



Kumar Doab (FIN)     04 October 2016

Don't remain entangled with Manager.

If you are not paid by usual pay day, write under proper acknowledgment to Payroll/HR head/appointing authority.

These are personal matters and can be and rather should be preferably sent by letter by Redg. Post or personal email id.




Kumar Doab (FIN)     04 October 2016

While posting such queries, employee should always confirm the basic information e.g: 

Whats is this establishment; Commercial,Industrial? ( Noted; bank/Commercial)

What is its line of business? ( Noted; banking)

What is your designation and nature of duties?

Are you contractual employee or regular?

Are you direct mployee of M/s HDFC bank or thru some agency?

Since how long you have been working and are located in which state?

Do standing orders apply and are certified and applicable to your designation?

You are confirmed or under probation, as on date , as communicated in writing by the employer? 

What is the notice period as per appointment letter and what is the notice period tendered by you?

Has the notice period been inserted in appointment letter or corrigendum or subsequent communications and accepted by you?

Did the establishment supply salary slips of each month and last month?

Are you a member of employee's/trade unions?

jyotirmaya behera (advocate)     06 October 2016

You are working in a private bank i.e. HDFC bank. After the resigned from that bank, they have no one to held up your salary. Salary means you work for they and you get instead of that money or salary. If you work and they did not pay that means they are creating the problem. 1st you have to give 1 chance in form of legal notice if they did not pay your salary then you may approach to the Industrial Tribunal and for that you have to contact with a advocate in the field of service matter. Except that you have no alternative remedy.


Jyotirmaya Prasad Behera

Advocate, Orissa High Court


Kumar Doab (FIN)     07 October 2016

The querist may reply to the points raised for further response.

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