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PRABIR SAHOO   20 August 2021

Sale deed executed by one party, not all owners

A sale transaction has taken place before 12 years, where in a sale deed executed by 4 sons of one of the owner (after his death) in a joint property. Other 2 parties of property owner have not signed and unaware of any intimations.

What are the recourses available to other parties to declare the sale deed null n void apart from approaching court ? As the avarage time taken for  such cases is around 10 to 12 years through court. ( #Sale in Odisha).


 3 Replies

Pradipta Nath (Advocate)     20 August 2021

File a declaration suit praying for declaring the sale deed as null and void. Aside file a cheating case against the brother.

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Advocate Bhartesh goyal (advocate)     20 August 2021

Aggrieved co owners have to file suit for declaration and injunction and have to get declared sale deed as null and void on ground of fraud and simultaneously have to lodge FIR against their brothers who played fraud and cheating with them.

PRABIR SAHOO   22 August 2021

Thanks Bhartesh sir.

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