Dear Sirs,
I have a query regarding the below scenario,
A executes a Sale deed(30x40 site) to B in A's Survey Number in 2000, but still A will be shown as the owner in the RTC records of Village panchayat, and B has not in possession of his property because of his personal reason and it is still a vacant site,
Since A had his mother deed of the Survey number with him, He executes an other sale deed of the same site which was already sold to B, to person C in 2010, by showing the same vacant site of B. now B, and C has to fight for their justice, (May be C already ware of B's sale deed and wanted to physically challenge B), In this as per the eye of law , who will be the real owner of the vacant site in A's survey number land.
and my question here would be , is there any possibility of making an entry in RTC, or some where so that , these kind og double registration will not happen. because if the site is vacant and not in possession , the new unknown buyer will never come to know about previous Sale deeds against the site. so to tackle this case.
Thanks All