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Sale deed - not binding - what does this mean

hi, i was going through a old case. where in the judgemnt ,it says that the registerd sale deed  is not made null and void but instead it said, the sale deed is not binding n the plaint/parties.

what exactly does this mean..

what is the difference between the case and how it will be affect the outcome of execution of the decree

 3 Replies


and very rare members, in the name of above, think that they are high above than others and send reply that is of no practical use to anyone or distract others frm responding. am sure no learned advocate would do such kind of acts.

high time the moderators weed out such characters.


if you want to report on alertness,there were several spam emails spoofing around n the last fews weeks in this forum on
online trade/bitcoins/getting fake certificates..etc etc. did you report such things to admin?
do  no  try to paint yourself in a good picture and taint the forum with unprofessoinal replies. every member in this forum are only as imaginary as we know them by name better try look into the issue and reply than trying to get the bottom of the reason for such reply because end of day it all boils down to knowlege sharing.. help or move aside to let others help..
am certainly not here to advise body but go back and look at your replies n the past

KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Advocate)     23 March 2018

Dear Sir/Madam,

Since your case is complicated case as such I require documents and same may be send to my email/PM (personal mail) for detailed legal advise.


With regards,

Legal Expert

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