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akshay patel (lawyer)     18 January 2011

sale of land by company bombay land reavenue code section 65

a company obtained a Private Farmers land under section 65-b of Bombay Land Reavenue code and due procedure of NA And conversion Tax and permission has been duly carried out and plan of construction over the said land is also passed, now IF COMPANY WANT TO SELL THE SAID LAND TO ANOTHER COMPANY THAN PRIOR PERMISSION FROM COLLECTOR IS REQUIRED OR COMPANY CAN DIRECTLY SELL THE LAND TO OTHER COMPANY? IS THERE ANY RESTRICTION TO COMPANY IF IT TRANSFER 65-B LAND TO ANOTHER COMPANY?

 4 Replies

kiran 11111 (Executive)     18 January 2011

First I would like to make it clear that Bombay Land Revenue Code is not in force and Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966 has come in to operation .If the land in question is  converted into Non agricultural land , there are no restrication on the transfer of land.

Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act 1948 bars transfer of agril land to non agriculturist.

This is what i understood the law. Please go through BT and AL act 1948.

akshay patel (lawyer)     18 January 2011

thanks for ur reply kiran i am asking BLR which is applicable in the STATE OF GUJARAT and as per new amendement in BLR company can take land from farmer for bonafide industrial use and within 30 days company has to apply for permisson under section 65-b of BLR for using land for bonafide industrial purpose, but act is silent about selling of land which has been acquired by company after due procedure of bonafide industrial purpose.

akshay patel (lawyer)     21 January 2011

waiting for reply

saumit joshi (advocate)     18 August 2011

i also want to know  about sale,lease in case of section 65-B of Bombay land revenue code is in our case we are having such type of problems while transfering land to customer. i m working in wind turbine manufacturer company.

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