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SHUBHADEEP BANERJEE (C.R.A)     24 April 2015

Sample petition for defamation 499 & 500

Can any one provide me a sample petition regarding IPC 499 & 500 (Defamation)

 5 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     25 April 2015

You can browse for your required formats.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     02 May 2015

You can take the help of an advocate who will help you draft one suiting the legal requirments.

1 Like


In India law of torts and damage sis very poor and not developed neither courts arefree and serious to deal with. Daily people file false affidavit and commit perjury in courts. Do the magistraes/judges  recomemedn prosecution under 198 IPC or whatever it is? None.

If some one lies in court it is not considered and so you get justice anyway.

Please dont waste your time in all this and try to settle yourself  and keep clear of more problems.

Many lawyerswill tell ypou to file multiple cases. India has endless litigation chainnel. Only you will loose a few lacs of money and mental peace .Our legal system is horrible and should be used for defensive action and urgent reliefs. Beyond this dont expect Indian courts to deliever.

WE can easily call Indian justice as law of bails and affidavits.

If our justice system were good , majority of politcial leaders would be languishing in Jails

1 Like   17 November 2018

provide the sample of defamation case against wife

LIYANA SHAJI   09 June 2020


This is a sample petition.

In the Court of Civil Judge Class – I at Indore

Suit No. ………… / 20…….

A. B. s/o B. C. 123, M G Road, Delhi          …………………………………..  Plaintiff


M. N. s/o O. P.456, M G Road, Delhi             …………………………………..  Respondent

Plaint under Order 7 Rule 1 for Compensation for Defamation
The plaintiff respectfully states as follows : –


Brief Descripttion of the case:

(1) The respondent publicly accused the plaintiff of selling watered down milk, which has caused immense harm to the reputation of the plaintiff. The present suit is meant for compensation for the harm done to the plaintiff's reputation.

Matters of Inducement:

(2) Plaintiff is a milk man and sells milk in many colonies of Indore including MG Road, AB Nagar.

(3) Respondent is the president of an informal residents association of MG Road.

Facts constituting cause of action:

(4) In a residents association meeting held on 10/10/2015, the respondent publicly accused the plaintiff of selling milk mixed with water. A tape record of the respondent making the accusation is attached with this petition.

(5) The said speech made by the respondent was heard by hundrends of residents of MG Road, where the plaintiff sells goods.

(6)  The said speech has caused the plaintiff a lot of embarrament and loss of business.

(7) The plaintiff denies that he sells watered milk and claims that the statement made by the respondent was completely baseless.


(10) The meeting where the defamatory statement was made by the respondent happened in Indore, which is under this court's jurisdiction.

(11) The plaintiff claims, on account of the loss of business as well as mental agony, an amount of 40,000/- which is under this court's jurisdiction.


Relief Claimed: 

(12)  The plaintiff prays that the court be pleased to order the respondent to pay sum of Rs 4,00,000 on account of the loss of business because of his baseless and false speech.  The plaintiff further prays that the respondent be ordered to pay compensation for mental harassment and cost of this litigation.

(Signature of the plaintiff)      advocate for Plaintiff

Place: ………………….                                                     

Date: …………………..                                                                                                           

I, ______, do hereby verify that the contents from paras 1 to 12 are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and personal belief and no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein. Affirmed at Delhi this 4th Day of September 2015.



Hope this helps.


Liyana Shaji

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