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manoj kumar (qa inspector)     18 May 2013

Save me from my wife


I am a serving defence personal married since Nov 2005 through After one year of my marrige i come to know that my wife have a infirtility problem due to folopine tubes block and she can not became mother naturlly. In 2008 ,On my request my Organisation posted me to Delhi for IVF treatment in R&R Army hospital Delhi. After reaching Delhi my wife refused to gone through IVF treatment which cause quarell and mean while my wife got a Govt Job as teacher and start living with her parents . Any how i agrred her for IVF treatment and which could not success. This is the begining of my misfortune, as she stop going my parental house and start pressurising  me for illigaly taking a child from any hospital for that i was not ready. I told her that either you go for second chance of IVF or look fore a sarogate mother or i will take a child from my own family, which she and her parents refused. Here i want to tell that We have brought jointly a house and a plot in her area.

  In 2012 I was transfered to Goa and she come with me due to her vacation. After 15 days she return back to her parents house cose her vacation was over. One day, one of he rfraind told me that my wife is talking with a strenger man regularly and I  to find that her phone was bussy at late night. Emmidiatly i applied for leave and went her home and ask her and she told me that i find a man. so now u can take divorce from me. which was shoking to me as i am immotionally attech to my wife and i told her please stop this illegal relationship I will obey what ever you will tell me. but she continue talking with that man but she show little sampathy to mee also and I booked her flight ticket to Goa and she came to Goa in Oct 12. and I give my phone to her to talk to her family. That phon have a software which records all incoming and outgoing calls, which she was not aware. At the night when I hear her intimated conversation with her boyfriend. I became furious and we had a fight with her she hit me with belt and even i too hit her, which became a seen in Goa. And she complain to my seniors so my seniors advise me to send her back and i booked a flight ticket back . after reaching home she complined to Chief of Naval Staff and Nationanl Woman Commision about dowary demand and domestic voilence.

   Now please advice me what should I do ? Yet I have not taken any action legal action. Please advece me.... 

 6 Replies

Vinayak (self)     18 May 2013

Sad to hear your case

10s of 1000s of husbands are affected in similar cases 

Our society, army, navy, airforce, medical profession, software institutions and many other essential and important services are paralysed due to such women filing false complaints against honest husband(s)

While I pity your state, please sit back and think and list your strengths Vs weakness 

what are your strengths ?

1. you seem to have recordings of your wife's infedility - this is a stength

2. you must also be having proof of her infertility; Treatment records at Army hospitals ; infertility itself is NOT a cause for divorce, but will become strong IF you use this to proove the root cause of your fights ...i.e. root cause is her infertility and infidelity and NOT your fault

3. so far your superiros seems to be understanding you ? am I right here ?

what are your weaknesses 

4. you have to leave emotion aside and think logically

5. you have a life and carrer ahead of you 

6. your wife is NOT interested in you and has probably found another bakra 




I think you should try every possiblity to re work this marriage ..... I think you have already tried this ...but try sufficient counselling, talking to her parents or friends or common friends etc etc 

IF none of the above works, I THINK YOU HAVE A STRONG CASE

.....AND .....

7. IF she is ready for a mutual consent divorce WITHOUT money let her go and try and re start your life. DO NOT rush into another marriage mess ...that will be even worse than the first one 

8. if she insists on monthly maintenance , refuse it

9. IF matter goes to court, please remember one thing : the final aim of all these women is money [maintenance / property etc] and vengence [ arresting you or your parents on false cases] and liberation [get married to the next bkra] : try and reduce maintenance and pain  as far as possible because she is ALSO employed and she is the one pushing for divorce and then bring in all the proof you have 

10. I think you need some time to sit back and work out your own emotions and plans and move forward

11. do NOT file for divorce read here for more :

12. do NOT file any civil cases : read here for more :

13, sit back , relax and think

14. search for other men's rights / family welfare / save family organisations and link up with other male victims; an experience is worth more than 100 books network with husbands !!






========= blogs of interest =========
- Fight back or be screwed :
- NRI Daughter in law dead; still case against In laws quashed : (scroll down *on blog* to skip tamil notes / comments)  
- Take action against girl for filing false rape case: HC to cops :
- no-maintenance-u-s-125-cr-p-c-to-deserting-wife :
- no maintenance to employed wife u /s 125 :
- Adjustment of Maintenance granted u.s 24 of HMA and Sec 125 of CrPC. Peculiar case where both the original decisions are decreed by the same judicial officer on the same date :
- IF you are hit with 498a ….do NOT try to conceal it while applying for governmental posts !! :
- Well educated software engineer arrested at chennai airport : Just on the basis of a complaint by his wife. This unfortunate thing could happen to anyone !! : So beware of Anti male laws :
- Woman and 19 year old paramour kill husband and mother in Law : mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all :
- wife advocate files 406, 498a etc against husband advocate and father in law advocate !!! One happy family I say !!
- what IF the live - in (second female) claims rape : risk of live in before divorce ! :
- don't file RCR in haste and cry when interim maintenance is ordered ! :
- I want to file for divorce because my wife is not interested in this marriage !!!!!!
- more at



manoj kumar (qa inspector)     19 May 2013

Thnks Vinayak jee for your  advise.

Here i want to tell you that i am retairing from Navy in Apr 2014 and as of now she is my legal wife and nominy in all my official records. I recieved my pension forms which required her signature for that she is refusing to sign and will only sign if I appolise in written for charges she is frame on me and counter sign by my seniors. For that I refuse.

Sir here i want to know that

Recording in phone will accepted by the court as avidance.

I have her 03 months Phone calls records (SIM was on her father's name) which shows all incoming and outgoing call of her boyfriend.

Here i want to tell u that she confece all about this to  one of my Known person and told him that this was only to teach me a lession. Not a serious relation ship.

please advise me.


sharma (ADVOCATE)     19 May 2013

Hai Manoj,

Dont burst, nothing happens when false cases are on.  As you legally illeterate many of the women take it as an advantage of filing of most of the cases which are meant for their safety.  Seriously saying domestic violence case cannot be filed by any women upon your parents when she is not staying with them, so your parents are safe.  comming on to you, you said that the phone conversations are recorded through the software present in the phone but the sim is in the name of her father which never attracts the indian evidence act, so try to get some other evidences for your security.  Regarding filing of 498A dowry cases, you can get help from various judgements given from the apex courts or contact us with full details which i can help you a lot in this regard.  Manoj, without any sort of material i cannot advise but be patient, after reading the fir or the complaint copy only i could get a picture about the cases filed by your wife.  Dont worry about the cases.

manoj kumar (qa inspector)     19 May 2013

thanks sharma jee for ur advise, but now the problem is she is not signing my pension form. Now what shuld I do? and  as she has complain to NWC Delhi a inqury has come to Vaso-da-Gama police staion so Inspecto called me and tell me that tell your wife to take back her complain or i will take action against u. so I ask for the copy of complain but he refused to give me. Than I spoke to my wife, she is asking me in written that u have to accept all aligation, which i refused. Till to day Ihave not recieved any call from Police. Now tell me what action they will take against me? And what should I do now? please advise me.


Manoj sharma

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     20 May 2013

I dont know what is happening with Indian family. Everyday, when ever I visit LCI, I find various queries from men tribe like Save me from my wife, my father and mother commit suicide due to my  wife's false complaint, how to bring back my wife, my wife brainwash by her mother, father, uncle etc etc etc, and such queries are never coming forth from the women tribe. Better be governed by customary laws. Ofcourse, customary laws like anyother laws has it's own drawback like one do not know whether the husband and the wife are married or divorce, whether the child is illegitimate or legitimate, whether the wife is pregnant by the husband or by other man, husband cooking for the wife and children etc, etc, but life goes on in simple tranquil state. Long Live customary Laws!

Reformist !!! (Other)     21 May 2013


Pls join SIFF Immidiately.....and attend local meetings. U will get full support plus free of cost legal knowledge.

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