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Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     08 August 2016

Saving plant kingdom, animal kingdom - how?

# 1


It is becoming evident that politicians, irrespective of party etc will not save the Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom. Losing animals, plants will prove too very costly. Loses to them, their rightfuls: Lung space, food, respect, rights etc is misery, but is not being properly recognised, handled. Stealing, destructions etc does happen. The undesirables have to stop.


 39 Replies

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     10 August 2016

# 2


Science will help arrive at a self sustainable, perpetually possible solution. Is there a desire, a will, a commitment to the cause?

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     22 August 2016

# 3


"Human beings interact with the environment & modify it according to their need. It is also called the built up environment.

                    Mankind can change the environment through activities. Excessive changes caused by humans may bring about permanent changes in the environment."




The 'Permanent Changes to the Environment' that has been talked about wipes of several, several species, entire species once for all. All the dedicated features, functionalities akin to them get impaired. Of all the several beings (mightiest to primordial), God has blessed mankind alone the power to think, shape things on the planet. Alas! Gvt., politicians come up with such projects, activities, slogans, politics, lifestyle that lets down the entire life on planet earth.


The primary questions are:- Does mankind own planet earth? Can any man lay perpetual acclaim on anything that s/he is lavishing, owning up etc? Is any man as perfect, dedicated, loyal as what nature & its beings are?


Mankind need change its lifestyle if that will be for betterment/cause etc. India can lead the change process & be the world's leader through kindness, wisdom, forethought, forebearance. Indian traditions, lifestyle wins acclaims in societies that have experienced hell & there are ample of opportunities for experts in professions that promote these school of thought. But XYZ gets lured at something, asserts that his/her words is the ultimate in the matter & belies noble thoughts, cultures, time tested ethical values etc. These words are like blind lilliputs describing the elephant when asked to weave its clothes & it is true for every man/woman, be it high & mighty or the novice; the expert or the beginner. Let wisdom, forethought, humility, humaness prevail over ignorance, arrogance, personal greed for an extra this / that, political considerations etc. Let all constituents of the dear, dedicated, unfailing kingdoms not be deprived of the right to live, enjoy, die dignifiedly. Let them not be viewed as proteins, vitamins or money spinners etc. Let the wrongs be listed as wrongs. Let politics not shield the wrongs & wrong the wronged. 


Creatures be given the due respect, representation in every decision. Every natural habitant of every zone be given / provisioned with the due share in land (lung space for all of their activities), food, etc... All of them be protected against cruelties, exploitations of all sorts. Then, none of them will become AVAARA in their own landsLet rules not be formed just like that, overnight in the country that professes "BY" the people.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     25 August 2016

# 4


Man enjoys the natural bounties, but fails to protect the honorable, unfailing, ever loving, dumb entities. What a calamity, the Gvts in itself turn to be predators.


The elders of the past realised way back in itself that it will be needed to weave mankind's livelihood with them. Else, it would be impossible to sustain the absolutely vital, sacred kingdoms. Thus, the society worshipped various entities, derived their livelihood & lived happy lives. In fact the entire value system can be built on parameters based on nature Eg: Ground water, weather at a particular place (Amarnath Siva Lingam) etc etc etc. It takes quiet a lot, even centuries of work. People vie over one another to have an extra pull by cutting a this or a that on such of the unspoken, unrepresented entities, aspects! Wah!


It takes so much to build, but just a jiffy to destroy. The elders, kind hearted of the present society etc made, make so much of sacrifices, toil so much to nurture, protect the living Gods. Some have done quiet a lot of thinking on the various aspects pertaining them & value added to them. Some have crossed all that & have become experts in their domains. All of those need get their, its due share. All of them are cherished across the world that has seen hell. It is sad that the home that generated all that has people who would let them down instead of parenting, nurturing the hard built, time tested value systems.


One need do their best to the honorable entities & the noble hearted humans. If not, one, may please refrain from unpleasant, venomous words, thoughts, deeds irrespective of who, what.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     25 August 2016

# 5


Here is News Item that catches one's imagination, is very interesting, pertains the loving, unsuspecting animals, should not be missed & is worth emulating across the Nation immediately on war footing. I would love to post the entire brief along with the photos, but am facing problems due to limitations of the LCI site. Nevertheless, knowing the source of information is as good as having the information itself & is being resorted to:




The Times of India, Delhi Edition, Dt: 25.8.16, P-2 (Half sheet)







But practical experience suggests that man is man, God is God & man cannot surpass the natural scheme of things. None of man's efforts is as perfect. There is some corruption or the other or the other, somewhere or the other or the other. Moreover, such efforts needs lot of money & even sustaining them would be a big issue in itself. This (Citizenship - RFID etc) may be viable in milch animals. So be it. Let them at least get that benefit & not get slaughtered at the hands of any fellow / maSIN whatever, whatever. But then the rest of the creatures toO deserve to be repaid with the love, care. Mankind has not even been able to identify many many creatures lying across the surface of the planet.


In such a calamity, the wiser thing would be to frame laws & limit mankind's access to natural resources. There should be strict restrictions on ALL entities: Individuals ... organisations, Gvts whoever, whatever on using the free appearing, very vital resources. The policies should allocate adequate lung space, food, privacy etc resources & aspects for every biome at every nook & corner & enable all life, natural entities. Brick & mortar this & that, a railways, a road, a bank, a post office etc have their own limited utilit; but they need be limited to some areas. Mankind & his endeavours should be on limited areas & not touch every inch; in fact man should not even be allowed to set even his foot down in some virgin areas.


Prayers to the omnipotent to enable wisdom to one & all & enable the mission that is espoused herein.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     04 November 2016

# 6




There are many real life videos that show cows freeing itself from the teather after the butcher's shots & freeing itself to freedom. Below shows one such laudible effort.


Every lifeform is intelligent, feels pain. Some even dislike being scolded, treasures its life & none gives permission to be cut into pieces as meat, leather, medicine etc etc.


Science has, can come up with meaningful alternatives to all the applications that lifeforms have been used thus far. Lot more alternatives can be, need be evolved. Mankind has to work on them than turning to more & more of cannibalism. It is imperative for Gvts to enable all the creature live their full life contendly, die honorably INSTEAD OF SPENDING COMMON POOL MONEY ON GVT employees.


While nothing can compensate the various lifeform's contributions that add value in man's life; efforts may be made to derive as much of commercial products (derived in kind, innovative ways). As much of revenues may be derived out of them when they live. But let not even a hair be removed once a lifeform departs. Every mortal remain may please be treated honorably after death [burnt with marsh gas in free crematoria built in all cities across the nation (& enable the world learn from India)]. Let every mortal soul rest in peace. Let dairy farming (wherein the cows are not spared even in their death & are run through ramps once they attain a certain age). poultry farming etc be replaced in practical, meaningful ways.    -   Today, one can take a full sized live cow to a ranch & walk off with packets of half kg, quarter kg etc packets in 8 minutes flat. These are cruelEST ways of using mankind's superior abilities.


Initiatives for the change will cause a shift in type of employment, building type etc, but WILL NOT displace any segment, any man / woman from their livelihoods etc. There will be no sufferings for mankind even while the sufferings of the lifeforms can be minimised to the maximum / even be wiped off once for all.








LET INDIA BECOME THE LEADER IN ENABLING A KIND PLANET EARTH. Let this Diwali light up all humans / as many hearts with some noble thoughts to the unfailing, pure, ever devote, loving, hard working lifeforms that make all the difference to mankind, the universe.

3 Nov 2016, Delhi, Associated Press

Meet Missy, who survived butcher, fled from home and got new family 



Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     22 January 2017

# 7



Article 48A is:

48A. Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and wild life The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wild life of the country.


Pictures In Attached File Is The Actual Protection That Is Being Offered To Bullocks. God need save all good children (creatures)



Attached File : 109727 20170122200357 636121988 j 1.doc downloaded: 147 times

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     02 February 2017

# 8



Rs 8,000 crore to help milk capacity twice that of Amul's

GOOD! Animals, cows per se will get good treatment. But ....


Budget 2017: Govt to unveil scheme for leather and footwear sector


Proving the adage "Milking the cow" !*? V.BAD! 


The planning itself goes wrong. Rules, OMs etc will come into being & changing them will be hell of a task.


The occassion could have been used to have both as pluses on counts of milk & employment & also minus on the count of sufferings to the beings. It is pertinent to record that Science & Technology has advanced to levels where leather can be eliminated, or at least reduced to a large extent. People in Government do not hear even well thought about advices.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     11 February 2017

# 9


The post earlier on Budget 2017....... does not give the information today (Seems that site has dynamic cotent & not static content) & so is suplemented with another weblink :-


So, the budget aims at generating few crores revenue & few jobs. But the question is: "Is this the way to do so?"   


India, with its vast populace was at the helm due to its inherent strengths: Kindness, virtues, hard work, ingenuity, forethought, wisdom ......... But today, India is being led in the same path that other countries are treading. This is cancerous. Time tested values should not be given up under any circumstances. The Gvt should think over better strategies. Science & technology can be used for betterment of the values & not like this that leads to their denegradation. Such planning, enabling will in itself better our Nation, quality of life. All of us can be leaders; enable the world emulate our ways & enable a peaceful world. But, Science & Technology is being used in abottoirs *!? Very sad. Very sad.


Opposition is being recorded on the poor planning. If apt opportunity gets presented, plans that use the bovines to generate the planned few crores X (multiplied by) a factor of 15 to 20  AND  also generate perpetual employment for a sizable populace, 25-30% will be presented! 


Let all that we desire to earn be generated when the 2ND Mothers, Fathers are alive. Let us earn as much, as much as is possible (ethically & God willing ofcourse) & let each of the bovine die a honorable death, all in peace, all at God's will & not end up on the dining table,  boot corners, on our pant zips ..... Let every Atma join the Paramathma at God's will & cause us all welfare. Not even a hair be removed after the soul (Athma) joins the Paramathma. The only thing after that should be to place a chit at their feet to plead forgiveness for some sin that we might have done it during its stay with us, remind it of its responsibility to protect us from evil; worship the departed soul with flowers & give them a befitting farewell.


What are we doing as Gvt? What? What? Let the God (Athma) within each of us act. Are people listening? Are they? Are they?

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     23 February 2017

# 10



Priority be accorded to saving all species. Concrete jungles is not everything. 


Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     25 February 2017

#  11



Apart from law, admin reforms etc, society need come up with new ways to love the wonderful nature.


Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     27 February 2017

# 12



Another wonderful aspect, evolved by society that is not law; but significant indeed.


.....  “Yuvraj is like a family member and we have reared it like a child. I spend Rs 3,000 to 4,000 per day on its diet and other essentials.“ ............


Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     23 March 2017

# 13


Transport of cattle: Delhi High Court seeks Centre, AAP government reply

PTI | Last Updated: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - 15:16


After capture as if it owns them, MCD has treated in this way  ......

          Image result for photo of mcd cows


          Cow shelter


Only fraction of land now is left over now in the biological hotspot region to grow flowers, grass etc. Only a fraction of the cattle are left over now to look for milk for worship etc societal causes & sustain life forms.


As of mankind, science has advanced to sufficient levels & ALL reasonable demands (food, sustainable employment etc) can be met (for the ENTIRE mass). If mankind does not apply its mind even now, even the land that is left over now will all become this or that concrete & the fraction of the cattle etc lifeforms that are left over will also get killed / die due to starvation, disease this or that / become this or that dish. Prayer that good sense prevails atleast now.


Let there be guidelines to evolve a policy U/S Article 48, 48A of the Constitution. Let the Natural habitats not be eaten up more & more. Let lands, water etc resources be provisioned to grow food for lifeforms, enable them privacy, breeding grounds etc & enable them die peacefully, dignifiedly.


Let alone transport, let there be no catching at all, whoever, whatever it be (Butchers or Gvt.). Let there be no dilly-dallying, laxity, politics etc on this matter of peace, life & dignity of the 2ND Mothers & Fathers. 


Science definitely will enable evolve dependable, self sustainable livelihoods, all through advancements in technology. The society need be prepared for it. There should be strong guidelines in this matter. The matter is long pending. Prayer that above is enabled.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     24 March 2017

# 14


Speaks it all....


Image result for cattle being transported


Image result for cattle being transported

Image result for cattle being transported


Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     24 March 2017

# 15


The following may be considered in all earnestness:-

1. India need set example & start the process of banning transport of lifeforms whatever it be, whereever it be. Let every district, zone is habitat for specific lifeforms. Let them be replete with it. Let more & more land, resources NOT come under concrete jungle, this or that.

2. If any lifeform need be transported for medical reasons alone. They should be done only in authorised ambulances. The ambulances need have a distinctly different color.

3. Science has advanced sufficiently. bullet proof glass is already in market. The glasses that Railways use is of good quality too. There are toned down versions, varieties of such glass / plastics that cost a fraction. They be used on the body of the authorised ambulances & NOT METAL COVERED BODIES.

4. Lifeforms be transported in AC vehicles.

                                                     Rest later on.

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