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karnakar (engineer)     07 August 2011

Sc/st breaking bond in psu

Hi Sir

Can anyone tell me about SC/ST breaking a bond in PSU.Actually i have been working in a PSU since 4 years and i belong to SC category.still 2 more years i have to serve the company for bond completion.i just want to know if there any exemption is there for SC/ST people breaking the bond as i couldnt see any point regarding this in my  bond anybody plzz clarify me...


 2 Replies


Mr .Karnakar .

To the best of my knoledge there is no law to break the bond you have executed.

The bond you have executed will cover under the law of the law .





Atuliya (Student)     08 August 2011

This is as sick as it can get ..... the malaise of RESERVATIONS

Such inelligible beneficiaries will only harm the society further more for their own selfish ends rather than contribute for the inclusive growth of the society. Now wonder then that there is such a grouse on the subject of Reservations.

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