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unfortunate victim (owner)     25 October 2012


 I am hindu.I married in April 2012.after 15 days after marriage she started her behavior uncommon,two months later after I came to know she is patient of schizophrenia from last 5 years from some secret inquiry by my friend .this fact is kept totally hidden by her family and our society.I asked about her behavior to her parents they told me that this is also new to them why she behaves like this.actually they cheated me by suppressing the immediately I stopped all the relations.the girl is now living with her parents.we called meeting over the issue.but they immediately agreed for mutual divorce without mentioning her decease by both the what should I do.I need divorce but shall I keep my mouth shut for one and half year for mutual divorce or shall I opt for nullity of marriege.this is totally fraud.but after 1 year she may refuse to divorce and may demand alimony.I am 29 yr old and after waiting for one and and half year may be I will be grant divorce but then who will marry me my cast is very limited in number.please help me.court can seek patients documents of her treatment from hospital where treatment was going on.will the process ends within a year?they denied  me for divorce on anullment me urgent what to do?


 5 Replies

ajay sethi (lawyer)     25 October 2012

you cna make an applicaton for annullment of marriage on grounds that consent ahs been obtained by fraud under       se ction 12(i)(c)of hindu marriage act . obatin medical proof that she was suffering for last 5 years .

1 Like

unfortunate victim (owner)     25 October 2012

thanks sir,
the medical documents are with the hospital only where she is taking treatment and can not available to me directly but court can obtain it.but want to ask how much time require to solve the case within a year or tyo year or more?if medical proof availble to court immidiately.

unfortunate victim (owner)     28 October 2012

Please help me!

unfortunate victim (owner)     14 December 2012

please help me

Samuel (CEO)     14 December 2012

Dear Poster:

It is understood that you want to begin a new relation sooner upon closing your failure marriage.

If other party ready for MCD it will take 6 months of cooling period + 3 months you have to wait then you can begin your life.

meanwhile, if the papers and agreemnets are settled you can begin the process.., as per law, it is strictly upon being thru entire process.. Think out of box! Talk to professional lawyer. The fact is no one will advice in open society to go for 2 nd wife as soon as you find fault with  first one!

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