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Second Marriage

Dear All,  

I had done a blunder by conducting the second marriage of my sister, after filing the mutual divorce petition with the first party without waiting for decree.  

now,  the second person is blackmailing us (within a month)that,  he will file a cheating case against us and inform the second marriage to the first party.  he took some gold of my sister for his personal use. 

we are not bothered about the gold,  but about the threatening calls from this second person.  he is very much aware that, we are legally weak due to the bigamy conducted from our part, and taking advantage of that.  kindly advice the defense available to us to come out of this mess.

your advice will be of great relaxation to me and my entire family.



 12 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     14 March 2011

From your question it seems that you have kept secret of the first marriage of your sister.  It is very sensitive issue you have to deal with him very cautiously.  If he wants something more than give it to him and take a lette from him that he is no way concerned to your sister.  It requires help from the elders of the society.  Take help of them.

Or convince you sister's husband and ger rid of first husband.

kosigi rama murthy (self employed)     15 March 2011

You should have performed the second marriage of your sister after getting decree of divorce.  It is evident that you have not informed the facts to her second husband before marriage.   Law does not come to the rescue of people who have no breached the law.  The only remedy available is to have a dialogue with her first and second husband and find an amicable solution. 

Ambika (NA)     15 March 2011

The "right "to push sisters and daughters into an open well...!

The paucity of legal literacy .....

were you or your sister aware of its consequences???? 

Legal literacy this case shows should be made compulsory from secondary school through college that individuals can protest against such blunders by those who claim to be the protectors ....

Though the question is for legal advice, it reflects on the status of a girl in her natal family, hence my comments!

But yes, you and your sister , as you have realised, are clearly in a mess and sandwithced between two opponents.....Even the best of advocates may not help you out....or can they???????

Imagine a scanrio where post divorce, in stead of getting her married, money had been sepnt on developing her capacities , academic or vocational to be on her own and pursue a good career or enterprise...your sister would have been a proud and happy woman...

Sometimes we learn from hindsight..but whether we learn or not,  that remains important .....

If you have forced your sister to get married to this person,  in fact , your sister, if she wishes , can slap a domestic violence case against  you....

1 Like

snow (xxxxxxxx)     15 March 2011


Its really terrible .Have u informed the second person about the 1st marriage of ur sister,if not than not only u have messed ur life but also u have almost killed ur sister, I dont think u can be saved legally, so better talk to ur sisters husband and convince him .


All the Best.............

Ambika (NA)     15 March 2011

Please read in my previous post:

Imagine a Scanrio as imagine a scenario

Sandwithced  bewteen two opponents as sandwitched  between two opponents. 

1 Like

Rajesh (SALES OFFICER)     15 March 2011

If a person needs to get second marriage,his first wife is still alive,but need to get second marriage without divorcing first wife,it is possible

Rajesh (SALES OFFICER)     15 March 2011

If  husband got married another women,but first wife is not willing to give any complain against husband,if there is any option that first wifes parents or relations can give a complain against first wife husband.



What is the maximum punishment he will get

Rajesh (SALES OFFICER)     15 March 2011

what is the procedure to get married second,while first wife is alive,does any legal procedure should be done.............

Rajesh (SALES OFFICER)     15 March 2011

if first wife is ready to accept his husbands second marriage,but her parents not willing and trying to give a complain against her husband,is it possible.............

kriskum (     15 March 2011

hi thanks for all your advice...

As ambika mam told,  i have joined my sister for higher studies when she was thrown out of her first maternal home.  she is now doing final year graduation.  the first marriage and divorce status, we are informed to the second party properly.  the marriage broker itself is a relative of  boy's family and a close family friend of us.

we are very much insisted the second person to postpone the marriage till the court decree.  but he was suppose to leave for a new job abroad,  convinced us that marriage should be done at any cost with in two weeks. 

the only mistake we have done in our part is that, we have conducted the marriage by filing mutual divorce petition without waiting for decree.  please advice any legal remedy for my sister. 

i agree with you all that,  i made a blunder.  but it is not my personal decision, but that of both families.

Rajesh (SALES OFFICER)     15 March 2011

if a guy wish to marry a elder sister & younger sister,what is the procedure................if second marriage is a criminal act means why that act not being taken against politicians,cine actors or big shots etc..........

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     15 March 2011

................if second marriage is a criminal act means why that act not being taken against politicians,cine actors or big shots etc..........


-----  they walk on the border line. these are not marriage, but live in. in some case first wife not in a position to complain due to various reason.

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