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Prashant Agnihotri (Lawyer)     12 December 2014

Section 19(4) of arbitration & conciliation act 1996

Section 19(4) of Arbitration & conciliation act 1996 said " The power of arbitral tribunal under sub section(3) includes the power to determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality & weight of any evidence."

My Question is, What are the basis & procedures of laws on which The arbitral tribunal depend ,while deciding on admissibility of evidences?

Is Arbitral tribunal has independent power to decide on section 19(4) of arbitration & conciliation act 1996 , Is there is no law to follow ,while deciding on Admissibility of evidences?


 1 Replies

adv.raghavan (Advocate,9444674980)     12 December 2014

section 19(4) provides specified powers to the arbitral  tribunal to determine the admissibility relevancy and materiality and weight of any evidence produced before it. Thus the arbitral tribunal may not adopt procedure contained in the Indian evidence act , but my adopt the principles of equity .justice and fair play.

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