Dear Friends
I am a new age lawyers and it might be true that I do not have enough expirence but still I think I should share with you guys.
The problem is section 294 of IPC Obscene acts.-- Whoever, to the annoyance of others (a) does any obscene act in any public place,. Now this act also governs Kissing in public or may be expression of Love. Now guys we are Modern age country so why still we have laws not changed from the stone ages. I am not sure you guys are aware of the fact or not but with the help of this Act many Police station or cops are harassing the Young couple who are just sitting ir standing.
I guess now its time that there should be a ammendment or it should states that Kissing or showing Affection in public is not prohibated.
I will be greatful to you guys if you could give me your Valuable comments.