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Ks Singh jiii (Partner)     30 November 2011

Section 294 time to change

Dear Friends

I am a new age lawyers and it might be true that I do not have enough expirence but still I think I should share with you guys.

The problem is section 294 of IPC Obscene acts.-- Whoever, to the annoyance of others (a) does any obscene act in any public place,. Now this act also governs Kissing in public or may be expression of Love. Now guys we are Modern age country so why still we have laws not changed from the stone ages. I am not sure you guys are aware of the fact or not but with the help of this Act many Police station or cops are harassing the Young couple who are just sitting ir standing.

I guess now its time that there should be a ammendment or it should states that Kissing or showing Affection in public is not prohibated.

I will be greatful to you guys if you could give me your Valuable comments.



 3 Replies

Vakeel Civil Court (Director)     01 December 2011

Dear new age lawyer,


Today you will seek exemption on some acts claiming modern age as excuse and when it is granted persons like you will demand exemption on other acts, you understand naaa..... 

May be that day is also not far.

Salina (NA)     21 March 2013

I agree with u sir just kissing hugging or holding hands in public cannot be counted as a crime. Its a old age law and should be changed. Now a days in new culture generally people hug each other during walking or in public transport so to avoid the hussel of the public so what is more better hugging ur man or getting touched and enjoyed by others in public same is with kissing I too dont support a publically french kiss but a kiss on forehead or on cheeks is now becoming a tradition to say hello or bye. so the law must be ammended keeping in veiw the current society.

ashish4pc (student)     01 April 2013

I dont agree with u dear friend, 

Formation of law always according to need of society. Lagislature form this law acoording to indian values. As section 294 of IPC not restricting freedom. Actually it is generating a so called modern society as modern legal system.

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