Its clear that your case do not fall under this ACT as per Section 31
Did they give you prior notice , as stipulated , in the ACT , before declaring your A/C NPA
Are you ready to pay the dues with interest and a settlement with Bank
If you want then there can be a settlement
The Bank will not listen after they have declared it NPA under Rule 13
If you have money to repay , its a different issue
If you dont have , you can fight upto Supreme Court and go on occupying Property for a long long time
But to do that at least you will have to spend about 5Cr spread for 15-20yrs till final decision comes from REview of Supreme Court
Depends on You
You can tell the DRT the notice is wrong as the matter does not fall under DRT .
This you can do it without charge
The question is what happens to the amount locked in NPA account .
If its meagre , open another account which you will have
If its large go for out of court settlement
With regards